template-declaration: template-head declaration template-head concept-definition
template-head: template < template-parameter-list > requires-clause
template-parameter-list: template-parameter template-parameter-list , template-parameter
requires-clause: requires constraint-logical-or-expression
constraint-logical-or-expression: constraint-logical-and-expression constraint-logical-or-expression || constraint-logical-and-expression
constraint-logical-and-expression: primary-expression constraint-logical-and-expression && primary-expression
template<class T> constexpr T pi = T(3.1415926535897932385L); template<class T> T circular_area(T r) { return pi<T> * r * r; } struct matrix_constants { template<class T> using pauli = hermitian_matrix<T, 2>; template<class T> constexpr static pauli<T> sigma1 = { { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 } }; template<class T> constexpr static pauli<T> sigma2 = { { 0, -1i }, { 1i, 0 } }; template<class T> constexpr static pauli<T> sigma3 = { { 1, 0 }, { 0, -1 } }; };— end example
template<int N> requires N == sizeof new unsigned short int f(); // error: parentheses required around == expression— end example
template-parameter: type-parameter parameter-declaration
type-parameter: type-parameter-key ... identifier type-parameter-key identifier = type-id type-constraint ... identifier type-constraint identifier = type-id template-head type-parameter-key ... identifier template-head type-parameter-key identifier = id-expression
type-parameter-key: class typename
type-constraint: nested-name-specifier concept-name nested-name-specifier concept-name < template-argument-list >
class T { /* ... */ }; int i; template<class T, T i> void f(T t) { T t1 = i; // template-parameters T and i ::T t2 = ::i; // global namespace members T and i }
template<typename T> concept C1 = true; template<typename... Ts> concept C2 = true; template<typename T, typename U> concept C3 = true; template<C1 T> struct s1; // associates C1<T> template<C1... T> struct s2; // associates (C1<T> && ...) template<C2... T> struct s3; // associates (C2<T> && ...) template<C3<int> T> struct s4; // associates C3<T, int> template<C3<int>... T> struct s5; // associates (C3<T, int> && ...)— end example
using X = int; struct A {}; template<const X& x, int i, A a> void f() { i++; // error: change of template-parameter value &x; // OK &i; // error: address of non-reference template-parameter &a; // OK int& ri = i; // error: non-const reference bound to temporary const int& cri = i; // OK: const reference bound to temporary const A& ra = a; // OK: const reference bound to a template parameter object }— end example
template<int* a> struct R { /* ... */ }; template<int b[5]> struct S { /* ... */ }; int p; R<&p> w; // OK S<&p> x; // OK due to parameter adjustment int v[5]; R<v> y; // OK due to implicit argument conversion S<v> z; // OK due to both adjustment and conversion— end example
template<class T1, class T2 = int> class A; template<class T1 = int, class T2> class A;is equivalent to
template<class T1 = int, class T2 = int> class A;
template<class T1 = int, class T2> class B; // error // U can be neither deduced from the parameter-type-list nor specified template<class... T, class... U> void f() { } // error template<class... T, class U> void g() { } // error— end example
template<class T = int> class X; template<class T = int> class X { /* ... */ }; // error— end example
template<int i = 3 > 4 > // syntax error class X { /* ... */ }; template<int i = (3 > 4) > // OK class Y { /* ... */ };— end example
template <template <class TT = float> class T> struct A { inline void f(); inline void g(); }; template <template <class TT> class T> void A<T>::f() { T<> t; // error: TT has no default template argument } template <template <class TT = char> class T> void A<T>::g() { T<> t; // OK, T<char> }— end example
template <class... Types> // Types is a template type parameter pack class Tuple; // but not a pack expansion template <class T, int... Dims> // Dims is a non-type template parameter pack struct multi_array; // but not a pack expansion template <class... T> struct value_holder { template <T... Values> struct apply { }; // Values is a non-type template parameter pack }; // and a pack expansion template <class... T, T... Values> // error: Values expands template type parameter struct static_array; // pack T within the same template parameter list— end example
simple-template-id: template-name < template-argument-list >
template-id: simple-template-id operator-function-id < template-argument-list > literal-operator-id < template-argument-list >
template-name: identifier
template-argument-list: template-argument ... template-argument-list , template-argument ...
template-argument: constant-expression type-id id-expression
template<int i> class X { /* ... */ }; X< 1>2 > x1; // syntax error X<(1>2)> x2; // OK template<class T> class Y { /* ... */ }; Y<X<1>> x3; // OK, same as Y<X<1> > x3; Y<X<6>>1>> x4; // syntax error Y<X<(6>>1)>> x5; // OK— end example
struct X { template<std::size_t> X* alloc(); template<std::size_t> static X* adjust(); }; template<class T> void f(T* p) { T* p1 = p->alloc<200>(); // error: < means less than T* p2 = p->template alloc<200>(); // OK: < starts template argument list T::adjust<100>(); // error: < means less than T::template adjust<100>(); // OK: < starts template argument list }— end example
template <class T> struct A { void f(int); template <class U> void f(U); }; template <class T> void f(T t) { A<T> a; a.template f<>(t); // OK: calls template a.template f(t); // error: not a template-id } template <class T> struct B { template <class T2> struct C { }; }; // OK: T::template C names a class template: template <class T, template <class X> class TT = T::template C> struct D { }; D<B<int> > db;— end example
template<class T, T::type n = 0> class X; struct S { using type = int; }; using T1 = X<S, int, int>; // error: too many arguments using T2 = X<>; // error: no default argument for first template parameter using T3 = X<1>; // error: value 1 does not match type-parameter using T4 = X<int>; // error: substitution failure for second template parameter using T5 = X<S>; // OK— end example
template<typename T> concept C1 = sizeof(T) != sizeof(int); template<C1 T> struct S1 { }; template<C1 T> using Ptr = T*; S1<int>* p; // error: constraints not satisfied Ptr<int> p; // error: constraints not satisfied template<typename T> struct S2 { Ptr<int> x; }; // ill-formed, no diagnostic required template<typename T> struct S3 { Ptr<T> x; }; // OK, satisfaction is not required S3<int> x; // error: constraints not satisfied template<template<C1 T> class X> struct S4 { X<int> x; // ill-formed, no diagnostic required }; template<typename T> concept C2 = sizeof(T) == 1; template<C2 T> struct S { }; template struct S<char[2]>; // error: constraints not satisfied template<> struct S<char[2]> { }; // error: constraints not satisfied— end example
template<typename T> concept C = true; static_assert(C<int>); // OK— end example
template<class T> class Array { T* v; int sz; public: explicit Array(int); T& operator[](int); T& elem(int i) { return v[i]; } }; Array<int> v1(20); typedef std::complex<double> dcomplex; // std::complex is a standard library template Array<dcomplex> v2(30); Array<dcomplex> v3(40); void bar() { v1[3] = 7; v2[3] = v3.elem(4) = dcomplex(7,8); }— end example
template<class T> void f(); template<int I> void f(); void g() { f<int()>(); // int() is a type-id: call the first f() }— end example
template<class T> class X { static T t; }; class Y { private: struct S { /* ... */ }; X<S> x; // OK: S is accessible // X<Y::S> has a static member of type Y::S // OK: even though Y::S is private }; X<Y::S> y; // error: S not accessible— end example
template <template <class TT> class T> class A { typename T<int>::S s; }; template <class U> class B { private: struct S { /* ... */ }; }; A<B> b; // error: A has no access to B::S— end example
template<class T = char> class String; String<>* p; // OK: String<char> String* q; // syntax error template<class ... Elements> class Tuple; Tuple<>* t; // OK: Elements is empty Tuple* u; // syntax error— end example
template<class T> struct A { ~A(); }; void f(A<int>* p, A<int>* q) { p->A<int>::~A(); // OK: destructor call q->A<int>::~A<int>(); // OK: destructor call }— end example
template <class T> class X { }; template <class T> void f(T t) { } struct { } unnamed_obj; void f() { struct A { }; enum { e1 }; typedef struct { } B; B b; X<A> x1; // OK X<A*> x2; // OK X<B> x3; // OK f(e1); // OK f(unnamed_obj); // OK f(b); // OK }— end example
T x = template-argument ;
template<const int* pci> struct X { /* ... */ }; int ai[10]; X<ai> xi; // array to pointer and qualification conversions struct Y { /* ... */ }; template<const Y& b> struct Z { /* ... */ }; Y y; Z<y> z; // no conversion, but note extra cv-qualification template<int (&pa)[5]> struct W { /* ... */ }; int b[5]; W<b> w; // no conversion void f(char); void f(int); template<void (*pf)(int)> struct A { /* ... */ }; A<&f> a; // selects f(int) template<auto n> struct B { /* ... */ }; B<5> b1; // OK, template parameter type is int B<'a'> b2; // OK, template parameter type is char B<2.5> b3; // OK, template parameter type is double B<void(0)> b4; // error: template parameter type cannot be void— end example
template<class T, T p> class X { /* ... */ }; X<const char*, "Studebaker"> x; // error: string literal object as template-argument X<const char*, "Knope" + 1> x2; // error: subobject of string literal object as template-argument const char p[] = "Vivisectionist"; X<const char*, p> y; // OK struct A { constexpr A(const char*) {} }; X<A, "Pyrophoricity"> z; // OK, string-literal is a constructor argument to A— end example
template<const int& CRI> struct B { /* ... */ }; B<1> b1; // error: temporary would be required for template argument int c = 1; B<c> b2; // OK struct X { int n; }; struct Y { const int &r; }; template<Y y> struct C { /* ... */ }; C<Y{X{1}.n}> c; // error: subobject of temporary object used to initialize // reference member of template parameter— end example
template<class T> class A { // primary template int x; }; template<class T> class A<T*> { // partial specialization long x; }; template<template<class U> class V> class C { V<int> y; V<int*> z; }; C<A> c; // V<int> within C<A> uses the primary template, so c.y.x has type int // V<int*> within C<A> uses the partial specialization, so c.z.x has type long— end example
template<class T> class A { /* ... */ }; template<class T, class U = T> class B { /* ... */ }; template<class ... Types> class C { /* ... */ }; template<auto n> class D { /* ... */ }; template<template<class> class P> class X { /* ... */ }; template<template<class ...> class Q> class Y { /* ... */ }; template<template<int> class R> class Z { /* ... */ }; X<A> xa; // OK X<B> xb; // OK X<C> xc; // OK Y<A> ya; // OK Y<B> yb; // OK Y<C> yc; // OK Z<D> zd; // OK— end example
template <class T> struct eval; template <template <class, class...> class TT, class T1, class... Rest> struct eval<TT<T1, Rest...>> { }; template <class T1> struct A; template <class T1, class T2> struct B; template <int N> struct C; template <class T1, int N> struct D; template <class T1, class T2, int N = 17> struct E; eval<A<int>> eA; // OK: matches partial specialization of eval eval<B<int, float>> eB; // OK: matches partial specialization of eval eval<C<17>> eC; // error: C does not match TT in partial specialization eval<D<int, 17>> eD; // error: D does not match TT in partial specialization eval<E<int, float>> eE; // error: E does not match TT in partial specialization— end example
template<typename T> concept C = requires (T t) { t.f(); }; template<typename T> concept D = C<T> && requires (T t) { t.g(); }; template<template<C> class P> struct S { }; template<C> struct X { }; template<D> struct Y { }; template<typename T> struct Z { }; S<X> s1; // OK, X and P have equivalent constraints S<Y> s2; // error: P is not at least as specialized as Y S<Z> s3; // OK, P is at least as specialized as Z— end example
template<typename T> constexpr bool get_value() { return T::value; } template<typename T> requires (sizeof(T) > 1) && (get_value<T>()) void f(T); // has associated constraint sizeof(T) > 1 ∧ get_value<T>() void f(int); f('a'); // OK: calls f(int)
template <class T> concept sad = false; template <class T> int f1(T) requires (!sad<T>); template <class T> int f1(T) requires (!sad<T>) && true; int i1 = f1(42); // ambiguous, !sad<T> atomic constraint expressions ([temp.constr.atomic]) // are not formed from the same expression template <class T> concept not_sad = !sad<T>; template <class T> int f2(T) requires not_sad<T>; template <class T> int f2(T) requires not_sad<T> && true; int i2 = f2(42); // OK, !sad<T> atomic constraint expressions both come from not_sad template <class T> int f3(T) requires (!sad<typename T::type>); int i3 = f3(42); // error: associated constraints not satisfied due to substitution failure template <class T> concept sad_nested_type = sad<typename T::type>; template <class T> int f4(T) requires (!sad_nested_type<T>); int i4 = f4(42); // OK, substitution failure contained within sad_nested_type
template <unsigned N> constexpr bool Atomic = true; template <unsigned N> concept C = Atomic<N>; template <unsigned N> concept Add1 = C<N + 1>; template <unsigned N> concept AddOne = C<N + 1>; template <unsigned M> void f() requires Add1<2 * M>; template <unsigned M> int f() requires AddOne<2 * M> && true; int x = f<0>(); // OK, the atomic constraints from concept C in both fs are Atomic<N> // with mapping similar to template <unsigned N> struct WrapN; template <unsigned N> using Add1Ty = WrapN<N + 1>; template <unsigned N> using AddOneTy = WrapN<N + 1>; template <unsigned M> void g(Add1Ty<2 * M> *); template <unsigned M> void g(AddOneTy<2 * M> *); void h() { g<0>(nullptr); // OK, there is only one g }— end example
template <unsigned N> void f2() requires Add1<2 * N>; template <unsigned N> int f2() requires Add1<N * 2> && true; void h2() { f2<0>(); // ill-formed, no diagnostic required: // requires determination of subsumption between atomic constraints that are // functionally equivalent but not equivalent }— end example
template<typename T> concept C = sizeof(T) == 4 && !true; // requires atomic constraints sizeof(T) == 4 and !true template<typename T> struct S { constexpr operator bool() const { return true; } }; template<typename T> requires (S<T>{}) void f(T); // #1 void f(int); // #2 void g() { f(0); // error: expression S<int>{} does not have type bool } // while checking satisfaction of deduced arguments of #1; // call is ill-formed even though #2 is a better match— end example
constraint-expression: logical-or-expression
template<typename T> concept C = true; template<C T> void f1(T); template<typename T> requires C<T> void f2(T); template<typename T> void f3(T) requires C<T>;
template<typename T> concept C1 = true; template<typename T> concept C2 = sizeof(T) > 0; template<C1 T> void f4(T) requires C2<T>; template<typename T> requires C1<T> && C2<T> void f5(T);
template<C1 T> requires C2<T> void f6(); template<C2 T> requires C1<T> void f7();— end example
template <class T> concept C = true; template <class T> struct A { template <class U> U f(U) requires C<typename T::type>; // #1 template <class U> U f(U) requires C<T>; // #2 }; template <> template <class U> U A<int>::f(U u) requires C<int> { return u; } // OK, specializes #2
template<typename T> concept A = T::value || true; template<typename U> concept B = A<U*>; template<typename V> concept C = B<V&>;Normalization of B's constraint-expression is valid and results in T::value (with the mapping ) ∨ true (with an empty mapping), despite the expression T::value being ill-formed for a pointer type T. Normalization of C's constraint-expression results in the program being ill-formed, because it would form the invalid type V&* in the parameter mapping. — end example
template<typename T> concept C1 = sizeof(T) == 1; template<typename T> concept C2 = C1<T> && 1 == 2; template<typename T> concept C3 = requires { typename T::type; }; template<typename T> concept C4 = requires (T x) { ++x; } template<C2 U> void f1(U); // #1 template<C3 U> void f2(U); // #2 template<C4 U> void f3(U); // #3
template<typename T> concept C1 = requires(T t) { --t; }; template<typename T> concept C2 = C1<T> && requires(T t) { *t; }; template<C1 T> void f(T); // #1 template<C2 T> void f(T); // #2 template<typename T> void g(T); // #3 template<C1 T> void g(T); // #4 f(0); // selects #1 f((int*)0); // selects #2 g(true); // selects #3 because C1<bool> is not satisfied g(0); // selects #4— end example
template<class E, int size> class buffer { /* ... */ }; buffer<char,2*512> x; buffer<char,1024> y;declares x and y to be of the same type, and
template<class T, void(*err_fct)()> class list { /* ... */ }; list<int,&error_handler1> x1; list<int,&error_handler2> x2; list<int,&error_handler2> x3; list<char,&error_handler2> x4;declares x2 and x3 to be of the same type.
template<class T> struct X { }; template<class> struct Y { }; template<class T> using Z = Y<T>; X<Y<int> > y; X<Z<int> > z;declares y and z to be of the same type.
template<class T1, class T2, int I> class A<T1, T2, I> { }; // error template<class T1, int I> void sort<T1, I>(T1 data[I]); // error— end example
template<class T> class Array { T* v; int sz; public: explicit Array(int); T& operator[](int); T& elem(int i) { return v[i]; } };
template<class T1, class T2> struct A { void f1(); void f2(); }; template<class T2, class T1> void A<T2,T1>::f1() { } // OK template<class T2, class T1> void A<T1,T2>::f2() { } // error
template<class ... Types> struct B { void f3(); void f4(); }; template<class ... Types> void B<Types ...>::f3() { } // OK template<class ... Types> void B<Types>::f4() { } // error
template<typename T> concept C = true; template<typename T> concept D = true; template<C T> struct S { void f(); void g(); void h(); template<D U> struct Inner; }; template<C A> void S<A>::f() { } // OK: template-heads match template<typename T> void S<T>::g() { } // error: no matching declaration for S<T> template<typename T> requires C<T> // ill-formed, no diagnostic required: template-heads are void S<T>::h() { } // functionally equivalent but not equivalent template<C X> template<D Y> struct S<X>::Inner { }; // OK— end example
template<class T> class Array { T* v; int sz; public: explicit Array(int); T& operator[](int); T& elem(int i) { return v[i]; } };
template<class T> T& Array<T>::operator[](int i) { if (i<0 || sz<=i) error("Array: range error"); return v[i]; }
template<typename T> concept C = requires { typename T::type; }; template<typename T> struct S { void f() requires C<T>; void g() requires C<T>; }; template<typename T> void S<T>::f() requires C<T> { } // OK template<typename T> void S<T>::g() { } // error: no matching function in S<T>
Array<int> v1(20); Array<dcomplex> v2(30); v1[3] = 7; // Array<int>::operator[] v2[3] = dcomplex(7,8); // Array<dcomplex>::operator[]— end example
deduction-guide: explicit-specifier template-name ( parameter-declaration-clause ) -> simple-template-id ;
template<class T, class D = int> struct S { T data; }; template<class U> S(U) -> S<typename U::type>; struct A { using type = short; operator type(); }; S x{A()}; // x is of type S<short, int>— end example
template<class T> struct A { class B; }; A<int>::B* b1; // OK: requires A to be defined but not A::B template<class T> class A<T>::B { }; A<int>::B b2; // OK: requires A::B to be defined
template<class T> class X { static T s; }; template<class T> T X<T>::s = 0; struct limits { template<class T> static const T min; // declaration }; template<class T> const T limits::min = { }; // definition— end example
template <class T> struct A { static int i[]; }; template <class T> int A<T>::i[4]; // 4 elements template <> int A<int>::i[] = { 1 }; // OK: 1 element— end example
template<class T> struct string { template<class T2> int compare(const T2&); template<class T2> string(const string<T2>& s) { /* ... */ } }; template<class T> template<class T2> int string<T>::compare(const T2& s) { }— end example
template<typename T> concept C1 = true; template<typename T> concept C2 = sizeof(T) <= 4; template<C1 T> struct S { template<C2 U> void f(U); template<C2 U> void g(U); }; template<C1 T> template<C2 U> void S<T>::f(U) { } // OK template<C1 T> template<typename U> void S<T>::g(U) { } // error: no matching function in S<T>— end example
template <class T> struct A { void f(int); template <class T2> void f(T2); }; template <> void A<int>::f(int) { } // non-template member function template <> template <> void A<int>::f<>(int) { } // member function template specialization int main() { A<char> ac; ac.f(1); // non-template ac.f('c'); // template ac.f<>(1); // template }— end example
template <class T> struct AA { template <class C> virtual void g(C); // error virtual void f(); // OK };— end example
class B { virtual void f(int); }; class D : public B { template <class T> void f(T); // does not override B::f(int) void f(int i) { f<>(i); } // overriding function that calls the template instantiation };— end example
struct A { template <class T> operator T*(); }; template <class T> A::operator T*(){ return 0; } template <> A::operator char*(){ return 0; } // specialization template A::operator void*(); // explicit instantiation int main() { A a; int* ip; ip = a.operator int*(); // explicit call to template operator A::operator int*() }— end example
template<class ... Types> struct Tuple { }; Tuple<> t0; // Types contains no arguments Tuple<int> t1; // Types contains one argument: int Tuple<int, float> t2; // Types contains two arguments: int and float Tuple<0> error; // error: 0 is not a type— end example
template<class ... Types> void f(Types ... args); f(); // args contains no arguments f(1); // args contains one argument: int f(2, 1.0); // args contains two arguments: int and double— end example
template <typename... Args> void foo(Args... args) { [...xs=args]{ bar(xs...); // xs is an init-capture pack }; } foo(); // xs contains zero init-captures foo(1); // xs contains one init-capture— end example
template<class ... Types> void f(Types ... rest); template<class ... Types> void g(Types ... rest) { f(&rest ...); // “&rest ...” is a pack expansion; “&rest” is its pattern }— end example
template<typename...> struct Tuple {}; template<typename T1, typename T2> struct Pair {}; template<class ... Args1> struct zip { template<class ... Args2> struct with { typedef Tuple<Pair<Args1, Args2> ... > type; }; }; typedef zip<short, int>::with<unsigned short, unsigned>::type T1; // T1 is Tuple<Pair<short, unsigned short>, Pair<int, unsigned>> typedef zip<short>::with<unsigned short, unsigned>::type T2; // error: different number of arguments specified for Args1 and Args2 template<class ... Args> void g(Args ... args) { // OK: Args is expanded by the function parameter pack args f(const_cast<const Args*>(&args)...); // OK: “Args” and “args” are expanded f(5 ...); // error: pattern does not contain any packs f(args); // error: pack “args” is not expanded f(h(args ...) + args ...); // OK: first “args” expanded within h, // second “args” expanded within f }— end example
template<class... T> struct X : T... { }; template<class... T> void f(T... values) { X<T...> x(values...); } template void f<>(); // OK: X<> has no base classes // x is a variable of type X<> that is value-initialized— end example
template<typename ...Args> bool all(Args ...args) { return (... && args); } bool b = all(true, true, true, false);
Operator | Value when pack is empty |
&& | true |
|| | false |
, | void() |
template<class T> class task; template<class T> task<T>* preempt(task<T>*); template<class T> class task { friend void next_time(); friend void process(task<T>*); friend task<T>* preempt<T>(task<T>*); template<class C> friend int func(C); friend class task<int>; template<class P> friend class frd; };
class A { template<class T> friend class B; // OK template<class T> friend void f(T){ /* ... */ } // OK };— end example
class X { template<class T> friend struct A; class Y { }; }; template<class T> struct A { X::Y ab; }; // OK template<class T> struct A<T*> { X::Y ab; }; // OK— end example
template<class T> struct A { struct B { }; void f(); struct D { void g(); }; T h(); template<T U> T i(); }; template<> struct A<int> { struct B { }; int f(); struct D { void g(); }; template<int U> int i(); }; template<> struct A<float*> { int *h(); }; class C { template<class T> friend struct A<T>::B; // grants friendship to A<int>::B even though // it is not a specialization of A<T>::B template<class T> friend void A<T>::f(); // does not grant friendship to A<int>::f() // because its return type does not match template<class T> friend void A<T>::D::g(); // error: A<T>::D does not end with a simple-template-id template<class T> friend int *A<T*>::h(); // grants friendship to A<int*>::h() and A<float*>::h() template<class T> template<T U> // grants friendship to instantiations of A<T>::i() and friend T A<T>::i(); // to A<int>::i(), and thereby to all specializations }; // of those function templates— end example
template<class T> class A { }; class X { template<class T> friend class A<T*>; // error };— end example
template<class T1, class T2, int I> class A { }; template<class T, int I> class A<T, T*, I> { }; template<class T1, class T2, int I> class A<T1*, T2, I> { }; template<class T> class A<int, T*, 5> { }; template<class T1, class T2, int I> class A<T1, T2*, I> { };
template<typename T> concept C = true; template<typename T> struct X { }; template<typename T> struct X<T*> { }; // #1 template<C T> struct X<T> { }; // #2
template<class T> struct A { struct C { template<class T2> struct B { }; template<class T2> struct B<T2**> { }; // partial specialization #1 }; }; // partial specialization of A<T>::C::B<T2> template<class T> template<class T2> struct A<T>::C::B<T2*> { }; // #2 A<short>::C::B<int*> absip; // uses partial specialization #2— end example
namespace N { template<class T1, class T2> class A { }; // primary template } using N::A; // refers to the primary template namespace N { template<class T> class A<T, T*> { }; // partial specialization } A<int,int*> a; // uses the partial specialization, which is found through the using-declaration // which refers to the primary template— end example
template <class T, T t> struct C {}; template <class T> struct C<T, 1>; // error template< int X, int (*array_ptr)[X] > class A {}; int array[5]; template< int X > class A<X,&array> { }; // error— end example
template<class T1, class T2, int I> class A { }; // #1 template<class T, int I> class A<T, T*, I> { }; // #2 template<class T1, class T2, int I> class A<T1*, T2, I> { }; // #3 template<class T> class A<int, T*, 5> { }; // #4 template<class T1, class T2, int I> class A<T1, T2*, I> { }; // #5 A<int, int, 1> a1; // uses #1 A<int, int*, 1> a2; // uses #2, T is int, I is 1 A<int, char*, 5> a3; // uses #4, T is char A<int, char*, 1> a4; // uses #5, T1 is int, T2 is char, I is 1 A<int*, int*, 2> a5; // ambiguous: matches #3 and #5— end example
template<typename T> concept C = requires (T t) { t.f(); }; template<typename T> struct S { }; // #1 template<C T> struct S<T> { }; // #2 struct Arg { void f(); }; S<int> s1; // uses #1; the constraints of #2 are not satisfied S<Arg> s2; // uses #2; both constraints are satisfied but #2 is more specialized— end example
template <int I, int J> struct A {}; template <int I> struct A<I+5, I*2> {}; // error template <int I> struct A<I, I> {}; // OK template <int I, int J, int K> struct B {}; template <int I> struct B<I, I*2, 2> {}; // OK— end example
template<int I, int J, class T> class X { }; template<int I, int J> class X<I, J, int> { }; // #1 template<int I> class X<I, I, int> { }; // #2 template<int I0, int J0> void f(X<I0, J0, int>); // A template<int I0> void f(X<I0, I0, int>); // B template <auto v> class Y { }; template <auto* p> class Y<p> { }; // #3 template <auto** pp> class Y<pp> { }; // #4 template <auto* p0> void g(Y<p0>); // C template <auto** pp0> void g(Y<pp0>); // D
template<typename T> concept C = requires (T t) { t.f(); }; template<typename T> concept D = C<T> && requires (T t) { t.f(); }; template<typename T> class S { }; template<C T> class S<T> { }; // #1 template<D T> class S<T> { }; // #2 template<C T> void f(S<T>); // A template<D T> void f(S<T>); // B— end example
// primary class template template<class T, int I> struct A { void f(); }; // member of primary class template template<class T, int I> void A<T,I>::f() { } // class template partial specialization template<class T> struct A<T,2> { void f(); void g(); void h(); }; // member of class template partial specialization template<class T> void A<T,2>::g() { } // explicit specialization template<> void A<char,2>::h() { } int main() { A<char,0> a0; A<char,2> a2; a0.f(); // OK, uses definition of primary template's member a2.g(); // OK, uses definition of partial specialization's member a2.h(); // OK, uses definition of explicit specialization's member a2.f(); // error: no definition of f for A<T,2>; the primary template is not used here }— end example
template<class T> struct A { template<class T2> struct B {}; // #1 template<class T2> struct B<T2*> {}; // #2 }; template<> template<class T2> struct A<short>::B {}; // #3 A<char>::B<int*> abcip; // uses #2 A<short>::B<int*> absip; // uses #3 A<char>::B<int> abci; // uses #1— end example
template<class T> class Array { }; template<class T> void sort(Array<T>&);— end example
// translation unit 1: template<class T> void f(T*); void g(int* p) { f(p); // calls f<int>(int*) }
// translation unit 2: template<class T> void f(T); void h(int* p) { f(p); // calls f<int*>(int*) }
template<class T> void f(); template<int I> void f(); // OK: overloads the first template // distinguishable with an explicit template argument list— end note
template <int I, int J> A<I+J> f(A<I>, A<J>); // #1 template <int K, int L> A<K+L> f(A<K>, A<L>); // same as #1 template <int I, int J> A<I-J> f(A<I>, A<J>); // different from #1— end example
template <int I, int J> void f(A<I+J>); // #1 template <int K, int L> void f(A<K+L>); // same as #1 template <class T> decltype(g(T())) h(); int g(int); template <class T> decltype(g(T())) h() // redeclaration of h() uses the earlier lookup… { return g(T()); } // … although the lookup here does find g(int) int i = h<int>(); // template argument substitution fails; g(int) // was not in scope at the first declaration of h() // ill-formed, no diagnostic required: the two expressions are functionally equivalent but not equivalent template <int N> void foo(const char (*s)[([]{}, N)]); template <int N> void foo(const char (*s)[([]{}, N)]); // two different declarations because the non-dependent portions are not considered equivalent template <class T> void spam(decltype([]{}) (*s)[sizeof(T)]); template <class T> void spam(decltype([]{}) (*s)[sizeof(T)]);— end example
// guaranteed to be the same template <int I> void f(A<I>, A<I+10>); template <int I> void f(A<I>, A<I+10>); // guaranteed to be different template <int I> void f(A<I>, A<I+10>); template <int I> void f(A<I>, A<I+11>); // ill-formed, no diagnostic required template <int I> void f(A<I>, A<I+10>); template <int I> void f(A<I>, A<I+1+2+3+4>);— end note
struct A { }; template<class T> struct B { template<class R> int operator*(R&); // #1 }; template<class T, class R> int operator*(T&, R&); // #2 // The declaration of B::operator* is transformed into the equivalent of // template<class R> int operator*(B<A>&, R&); // #1a int main() { A a; B<A> b; b * a; // calls #1 }— end example
template<class T> struct A { A(); }; template<class T> void f(T); template<class T> void f(T*); template<class T> void f(const T*); template<class T> void g(T); template<class T> void g(T&); template<class T> void h(const T&); template<class T> void h(A<T>&); void m() { const int* p; f(p); // f(const T*) is more specialized than f(T) or f(T*) float x; g(x); // ambiguous: g(T) or g(T&) A<int> z; h(z); // overload resolution selects h(A<T>&) const A<int> z2; h(z2); // h(const T&) is called because h(A<T>&) is not callable }— end example
template<class T> void f(T); // #1 template<class T> void f(T*, int=1); // #2 template<class T> void g(T); // #3 template<class T> void g(T*, ...); // #4
int main() { int* ip; f(ip); // calls #2 g(ip); // calls #4 }— end example
template<class T, class U> struct A { }; template<class T, class U> void f(U, A<U, T>* p = 0); // #1 template< class U> void f(U, A<U, U>* p = 0); // #2 template<class T > void g(T, T = T()); // #3 template<class T, class... U> void g(T, U ...); // #4 void h() { f<int>(42, (A<int, int>*)0); // calls #2 f<int>(42); // error: ambiguous g(42); // error: ambiguous }— end example
template<class T, class... U> void f(T, U...); // #1 template<class T > void f(T); // #2 template<class T, class... U> void g(T*, U...); // #3 template<class T > void g(T); // #4 void h(int i) { f(&i); // OK: calls #2 g(&i); // OK: calls #3 }— end example
template <typename> constexpr bool True = true; template <typename T> concept C = True<T>; void f(C auto &, auto &) = delete; template <C Q> void f(Q &, C auto &); void g(struct A *ap, struct B *bp) { f(*ap, *bp); // OK: Can use different methods to produce template parameters } template <typename T, typename U> struct X {}; template <typename T, C U, typename V> bool operator==(X<T, U>, V) = delete; template <C T, C U, C V> bool operator==(T, X<U, V>); void h() { X<void *, int>{} == 0; // OK: Correspondence of [T, U, V] and [U, V, T] }— end example
template<class T> struct Alloc { /* ... */ }; template<class T> using Vec = vector<T, Alloc<T>>; Vec<int> v; // same as vector<int, Alloc<int>> v; template<class T> void process(Vec<T>& v) { /* ... */ } template<class T> void process(vector<T, Alloc<T>>& w) { /* ... */ } // error: redefinition template<template<class> class TT> void f(TT<int>); f(v); // error: Vec not deduced template<template<class,class> class TT> void g(TT<int, Alloc<int>>); g(v); // OK: TT = vector— end example
template<typename...> using void_t = void; template<typename T> void_t<typename T::foo> f(); f<int>(); // error: int does not have a nested type foo— end example
template <class T> struct A; template <class T> using B = typename A<T>::U; template <class T> struct A { typedef B<T> U; }; B<short> b; // error: instantiation of B<short> uses own type via A<short>::U— end example
template <class T> using A = decltype([] { }); // A<int> and A<char> refer to different closure types— end example
// no B declared here class X; template<class T> class Y { class Z; // forward declaration of member class void f() { X* a1; // declare pointer to X T* a2; // declare pointer to T Y* a3; // declare pointer to Y<T> Z* a4; // declare pointer to Z typedef typename T::A TA; TA* a5; // declare pointer to T's A typename T::A* a6; // declare pointer to T's A T::A* a7; // error: no visible declaration of a7 // T::A is not a type name; multiplication of T::A by a7 B* a8; // error: no visible declarations of B and a8 // B is not a type name; multiplication of B by a8 } };— end example
typename-specifier: typename nested-name-specifier identifier typename nested-name-specifier template simple-template-id
struct A { struct X { }; int X; }; struct B { struct X { }; }; template<class T> void f(T t) { typename T::X x; } void foo() { A a; B b; f(b); // OK: T::X refers to B::X f(a); // error: T::X refers to the data member A::X not the struct A::X }— end example
template<class T> T::R f(); // OK, return type of a function declaration at global scope template<class T> void f(T::R); // ill-formed, no diagnostic required: attempt to declare // a void variable template template<class T> struct S { using Ptr = PtrTraits<T>::Ptr; // OK, in a defining-type-id T::R f(T::P p) { // OK, class scope return static_cast<T::R>(p); // OK, type-id of a static_cast } auto g() -> S<T*>::Ptr; // OK, trailing-return-type }; template<typename T> void f() { void (*pf)(T::X); // variable pf of type void* initialized with T::X void g(T::X); // error: T::X at block scope does not denote a type // (attempt to declare a void variable) }— end example
template <class T> void f(int i) { T::x * i; // expression, not the declaration of a variable i } struct Foo { typedef int x; }; struct Bar { static int const x = 5; }; int main() { f<Bar>(1); // OK f<Foo>(1); // error: Foo::x is a type }— end example
template<class T> struct A { typedef int B; B b; // OK, no typename required };— end example
int j; template<class T> class X { void f(T t, int i, char* p) { t = i; // diagnosed if X::f is instantiated, and the assignment to t is an error p = i; // may be diagnosed even if X::f is not instantiated p = j; // may be diagnosed even if X::f is not instantiated } void g(T t) { +; // may be diagnosed even if X::g is not instantiated } }; template<class... T> struct A { void operator++(int, T... t); // error: too many parameters }; template<class... T> union X : T... { }; // error: union with base class template<class... T> struct A : T..., T... { }; // error: duplicate base class— end example
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class T> class Set { T* p; int cnt; public: Set(); Set<T>(const Set<T>&); void printall() { for (int i = 0; i<cnt; i++) cout << p[i] << '\n'; } };
void f(char); template<class T> void g(T t) { f(1); // f(char) f(T(1)); // dependent f(t); // dependent dd++; // not dependent; error: declaration for dd not found } enum E { e }; void f(E); double dd; void h() { g(e); // will cause one call of f(char) followed by two calls of f(E) g('a'); // will cause three calls of f(char) }— end example
template<template<class> class T> class A { }; template<class T> class Y; template<> class Y<int> { Y* p; // meaning Y<int> Y<char>* q; // meaning Y<char> A<Y>* a; // meaning A<::Y> class B { template<class> friend class Y; // meaning ::Y }; };— end example
template <class T> struct Base { Base* p; }; template <class T> struct Derived: public Base<T> { typename Derived::Base* p; // meaning Derived::Base<T> }; template<class T, template<class> class U = T::template Base> struct Third { }; Third<Derived<int> > t; // OK: default argument uses injected-class-name as a template— end example
template <class T> struct Base { }; template <class T> struct Derived: Base<int>, Base<char> { typename Derived::Base b; // error: ambiguous typename Derived::Base<double> d; // OK };— end example
template<class T> class X { X* p; // meaning X<T> X<T>* p2; X<int>* p3; ::X* p4; // error: missing template argument list // ::X does not refer to the injected-class-name };— end example
template<class T, int i> class Y { int T; // error: template-parameter redeclared void f() { char T; // error: template-parameter redeclared } }; template<class X> class X; // error: template-parameter redeclared— end example
template<class T> struct A { struct B { /* ... */ }; typedef void C; void f(); template<class U> void g(U); }; template<class B> void A<B>::f() { B b; // A's B, not the template parameter } template<class B> template<class C> void A<B>::g(C) { B b; // A's B, not the template parameter C c; // the template parameter C, not A's C }— end example
namespace N { class C { }; template<class T> class B { void f(T); }; } template<class C> void N::B<C>::f(C) { C b; // C is the template parameter, not N::C }— end example
struct A { struct B { /* ... */ }; int a; int Y; }; template<class B, class a> struct X : A { B b; // A's B a b; // error: A's a isn't a type name };— end example
postfix-expression ( expression-list )where the postfix-expression is an unqualified-id, the unqualified-id denotes a dependent name if
template<class T> struct X : B<T> { typename T::A* pa; void f(B<T>* pb) { static int i = B<T>::i; pb->j++; } };
typedef double A; template<class T> class B { typedef int A; }; template<class T> struct X : B<T> { A a; // a has type double };
struct A { struct B { /* ... */ }; int a; int Y; }; int a; template<class T> struct Y : T { struct B { /* ... */ }; B b; // The B defined in Y void f(int i) { a = i; } // ::a Y* p; // Y<T> }; Y<A> ya;
template <class T> class A { A* p1; // A is the current instantiation A<T>* p2; // A<T> is the current instantiation A<T*> p3; // A<T*> is not the current instantiation ::A<T>* p4; // ::A<T> is the current instantiation class B { B* p1; // B is the current instantiation A<T>::B* p2; // A<T>::B is the current instantiation typename A<T*>::B* p3; // A<T*>::B is not the current instantiation }; }; template <class T> class A<T*> { A<T*>* p1; // A<T*> is the current instantiation A<T>* p2; // A<T> is not the current instantiation }; template <class T1, class T2, int I> struct B { B<T1, T2, I>* b1; // refers to the current instantiation B<T2, T1, I>* b2; // not the current instantiation typedef T1 my_T1; static const int my_I = I; static const int my_I2 = I+0; static const int my_I3 = my_I; static const long my_I4 = I; static const int my_I5 = (I); B<my_T1, T2, my_I>* b3; // refers to the current instantiation B<my_T1, T2, my_I2>* b4; // not the current instantiation B<my_T1, T2, my_I3>* b5; // refers to the current instantiation B<my_T1, T2, my_I4>* b6; // not the current instantiation B<my_T1, T2, my_I5>* b7; // not the current instantiation };— end example
template<class T> struct A { typedef int M; struct B { typedef void M; struct C; }; }; template<class T> struct A<T>::B::C : A<T> { M m; // OK, A<T>::M };— end example
template <class T> class A { static const int i = 5; int n1[i]; // i refers to a member of the current instantiation int n2[A::i]; // A::i refers to a member of the current instantiation int n3[A<T>::i]; // A<T>::i refers to a member of the current instantiation int f(); }; template <class T> int A<T>::f() { return i; // i refers to a member of the current instantiation }— end example
template<class T> class A { typedef int type; void f() { A<T>::type i; // OK: refers to a member of the current instantiation typename A<T>::other j; // error: neither a member of the current instantiation nor // a member of an unknown specialization } };— end example
struct A { int m; }; struct B { int m; }; template<typename T> struct C : A, T { int f() { return this->m; } // finds A::m in the template definition context int g() { return m; } // finds A::m in the template definition context }; template int C<B>::f(); // error: finds both A::m and B::m template int C<B>::g(); // OK: transformation to class member access syntax // does not occur in the template definition context; see [class.mfct.non-static]— end example
simple-type-specifier ( expression-list ) :: new new-placement new-type-id new-initializer :: new new-placement ( type-id ) new-initializer dynamic_cast < type-id > ( expression ) static_cast < type-id > ( expression ) const_cast < type-id > ( expression ) reinterpret_cast < type-id > ( expression ) ( type-id ) cast-expression
literal sizeof unary-expression sizeof ( type-id ) sizeof ... ( identifier ) alignof ( type-id ) typeid ( expression ) typeid ( type-id ) :: delete cast-expression :: delete [ ] cast-expression throw assignment-expression noexcept ( expression )
sizeof unary-expression sizeof ( type-id ) typeid ( expression ) typeid ( type-id ) alignof ( type-id ) noexcept ( expression )
simple-type-specifier ( expression-list ) static_cast < type-id > ( expression ) const_cast < type-id > ( expression ) reinterpret_cast < type-id > ( expression ) ( type-id ) cast-expression
void g(double); void h(); template<class T> class Z { public: void f() { g(1); // calls g(double) h++; // ill-formed: cannot increment function; this could be diagnosed // either here or at the point of instantiation } }; void g(int); // not in scope at the point of the template definition, not considered for the call g(1)— end example
Source file "X.h":
namespace Q { struct X { }; }
Source file "G.h":
namespace Q { void g_impl(X, X); }
Module interface unit of M1:
module; #include "X.h" #include "G.h" export module M1; export template<typename T> void g(T t) { g_impl(t, Q::X{ }); // ADL in definition context finds Q::g_impl, g_impl not discarded }
Module interface unit of M2:
module; #include "X.h" export module M2; import M1; void h(Q::X x) { g(x); // OK }— end example
Module interface unit of Std:
export module Std; export template<typename Iter> void indirect_swap(Iter lhs, Iter rhs) { swap(*lhs, *rhs); // swap not found by unqualified lookup, can be found only via ADL }
Module interface unit of M:
export module M; import Std; struct S { /* ...*/ }; void swap(S&, S&); // #1 void f(S* p, S* q) { indirect_swap(p, q); // finds #1 via ADL in instantiation context }— end example
Source file "X.h":
struct X { /* ... */ }; X operator+(X, X);
Module interface unit of F:
export module F; export template<typename T> void f(T t) { t + t; }
Module interface unit of M:
module; #include "X.h" export module M; import F; void g(X x) { f(x); // OK: instantiates f from F, // operator+ is visible in instantiation context }— end example
Module interface unit of A:
export module A; export template<typename T> void f(T t) { cat(t, t); // #1 dog(t, t); // #2 }
Module interface unit of B:
export module B; import A; export template<typename T, typename U> void g(T t, U u) { f(t); }
Source file "foo.h", not an importable header:
struct foo { friend int cat(foo, foo); }; int dog(foo, foo);
Module interface unit of C1:
module; #include "foo.h" // dog not referenced, discarded export module C1; import B; export template<typename T> void h(T t) { g(foo{ }, t); }
Translation unit:
import C1; void i() { h(0); // error: dog not found at #2 }
Importable header "bar.h":
struct bar { friend int cat(bar, bar); }; int dog(bar, bar);
Module interface unit of C2:
module; #include "bar.h" // imports header unit "bar.h" export module C2; import B; export template<typename T> void j(T t) { g(bar{ }, t); }
Translation unit:
import C2; void k() { j(0); // OK, dog found in instantiation context: // visible at end of module interface unit of C2 }— end example
template<typename T> struct number { number(int); friend number gcd(number x, number y) { return 0; }; }; void g() { number<double> a(3), b(4); a = gcd(a,b); // finds gcd because number<double> is an associated class, // making gcd visible in its namespace (global scope) b = gcd(3,4); // error: gcd is not visible }— end example
template<class T = int> struct A { static int x; }; template<class U> void g(U) { } template<> struct A<double> { }; // specialize for T == double template<> struct A<> { }; // specialize for T == int template<> void g(char) { } // specialize for U == char // U is deduced from the parameter type template<> void g<int>(int) { } // specialize for U == int template<> int A<char>::x = 0; // specialize for T == char template<class T = int> struct B { static int x; }; template<> int B<>::x = 1; // specialize for T == int— end example
template<class T> struct A { static T t; }; typedef int function(); A<function> a; // error: would declare A<function>::t as a static member function— end example
template<class T> class B { /* ... */ }; template<class T> class D : public B<T> { /* ... */ }; void f(void*); void f(B<int>*); void g(D<int>* p, D<char>* pp, D<double>* ppp) { f(p); // instantiation of D<int> required: call f(B<int>*) B<char>* q = pp; // instantiation of D<char> required: convert D<char>* to B<char>* delete ppp; // instantiation of D<double> required }— end example
template<class T> class X; X<char> ch; // error: incomplete type X<char>— end example
template<class T> struct C { void f() { T x; } void g() = delete; }; C<void> c; // OK, definition of C<void>::f is not instantiated at this point template<> void C<int>::g() { } // error: redefinition of C<int>::g— end example
template<class T, class U> struct Outer { template<class X, class Y> struct Inner; template<class Y> struct Inner<T, Y>; // #1a template<class Y> struct Inner<T, Y> { }; // #1b; OK: valid redeclaration of #1a template<class Y> struct Inner<U, Y> { }; // #2 }; Outer<int, int> outer; // error at #2
template<typename T> struct Friendly { template<typename U> friend int f(U) { return sizeof(T); } }; Friendly<char> fc; Friendly<float> ff; // error: produces second definition of f(U)— end example
template<class T> struct Z { void f(); void g(); }; void h() { Z<int> a; // instantiation of class Z<int> required Z<char>* p; // instantiation of class Z<char> not required Z<double>* q; // instantiation of class Z<double> not required a.f(); // instantiation of Z<int>::f() required p->g(); // instantiation of class Z<char> required, and // instantiation of Z<char>::g() required }
template<typename T> constexpr int f() { return T::value; } template<bool B, typename T> void g(decltype(B ? f<T>() : 0)); template<bool B, typename T> void g(...); template<bool B, typename T> void h(decltype(int{B ? f<T>() : 0})); template<bool B, typename T> void h(...); void x() { g<false, int>(0); // OK, B ? f<T>() : 0 is not potentially constant evaluated h<false, int>(0); // error, instantiates f<int> even though B evaluates to false and // list-initialization of int from int cannot be narrowing }— end example
template <class T> struct S { operator int(); }; void f(int); void f(S<int>&); void f(S<float>); void g(S<int>& sr) { f(sr); // instantiation of S<int> allowed but not required // instantiation of S<float> allowed but not required };— end example
namespace N { template<class T> class List { public: T* get(); }; } template<class K, class V> class Map { public: N::List<V> lt; V get(K); }; void g(Map<const char*,int>& m) { int i = m.get("Nicholas"); }
template<class T> void f(T x, T y = ydef(T()), T z = zdef(T())); class A { }; A zdef(A); void g(A a, A b, A c) { f(a, b, c); // no default argument instantiation f(a, b); // default argument z = zdef(T()) instantiated f(a); // error: ydef is not declared }— end example
template<class T> class X { X<T>* p; // OK X<T*> a; // implicit generation of X<T> requires // the implicit instantiation of X<T*> which requires // the implicit instantiation of X<T**> which … };— end example
template<typename T> concept C = sizeof(T) > 2; template<typename T> concept D = C<T> && sizeof(T) > 4; template<typename T> struct S { S() requires C<T> { } // #1 S() requires D<T> { } // #2 }; S<char> s1; // error: no matching constructor S<char[8]> s2; // OK, calls #2
template<typename T> struct S1 { template<typename U> requires false struct Inner1; // ill-formed, no diagnostic required }; template<typename T> struct S2 { template<typename U> requires (sizeof(T[-(int)sizeof(T)]) > 1) struct Inner2; // ill-formed, no diagnostic required };
explicit-instantiation: extern template declaration
template<class T> class Array { void mf(); }; template class Array<char>; template void Array<int>::mf(); template<class T> void sort(Array<T>& v) { /* ... */ } template void sort(Array<char>&); // argument is deduced here namespace N { template<class T> void f(T&) { } } template void N::f<int>(int&);— end example
template<typename T> T var = {}; template float var<float>; // OK, instantiated variable has type float template int var<int[16]>[]; // OK, absence of major array bound is permitted template int *var<int>; // error: instantiated variable has type int template<typename T> auto av = T(); template int av<int>; // OK, variable with type int can be redeclared with type auto template<typename T> auto f() {} template void f<int>(); // error: function with deduced return type // redeclared with non-deduced return type ([dcl.spec.auto])— end example
namespace N { template<class T> class Y { void mf() { } }; } template class Y<int>; // error: class template Y not visible in the global namespace using N::Y; template class Y<int>; // error: explicit instantiation outside of the namespace of the template template class N::Y<char*>; // OK: explicit instantiation in namespace N template void N::Y<double>::mf(); // OK: explicit instantiation in namespace N— end example
template<class T> class Array { /* ... */ }; template<class T> void sort(Array<T>& v) { /* ... */ } // instantiate sort(Array<int>&) -- template-argument deduced template void sort<>(Array<int>&);— end example
explicit-specialization: template < > declaration
template<class T> class stream; template<> class stream<char> { /* ... */ }; template<class T> class Array { /* ... */ }; template<class T> void sort(Array<T>& v) { /* ... */ } template<> void sort<char*>(Array<char*>&);
template<> class X<int> { /* ... */ }; // error: X not a template template<class T> class X; template<> class X<char*> { /* ... */ }; // OK: X is a template— end example
template<class T> struct A { struct B { }; template<class U> struct C { }; }; template<> struct A<int> { void f(int); }; void h() { A<int> a; a.f(16); // A<int>::f must be defined somewhere } // template<> not used for a member of an explicitly specialized class template void A<int>::f(int) { /* ... */ } template<> struct A<char>::B { void f(); }; // template<> also not used when defining a member of an explicitly specialized member class void A<char>::B::f() { /* ... */ } template<> template<class U> struct A<char>::C { void f(); }; // template<> is used when defining a member of an explicitly specialized member class template // specialized as a class template template<> template<class U> void A<char>::C<U>::f() { /* ... */ } template<> struct A<short>::B { void f(); }; template<> void A<short>::B::f() { /* ... */ } // error: template<> not permitted template<> template<class U> struct A<short>::C { void f(); }; template<class U> void A<short>::C<U>::f() { /* ... */ } // error: template<> required— end example
class String { }; template<class T> class Array { /* ... */ }; template<class T> void sort(Array<T>& v) { /* ... */ } void f(Array<String>& v) { sort(v); // use primary template sort(Array<T>&), T is String } template<> void sort<String>(Array<String>& v); // error: specialization after use of primary template template<> void sort<>(Array<char*>& v); // OK: sort<char*> not yet used template<class T> struct A { enum E : T; enum class S : T; }; template<> enum A<int>::E : int { eint }; // OK template<> enum class A<int>::S : int { sint }; // OK template<class T> enum A<T>::E : T { eT }; template<class T> enum class A<T>::S : T { sT }; template<> enum A<char>::E : char { echar }; // error: A<char>::E was instantiated // when A<char> was instantiated template<> enum class A<char>::S : char { schar }; // OK— end example
namespace N { template<class T> class X { /* ... */ }; template<class T> class Y { /* ... */ }; template<> class X<int> { /* ... */ }; // OK: specialization in same namespace template<> class Y<double>; // forward-declare intent to specialize for double } template<> class N::Y<double> { /* ... */ }; // OK: specialization in enclosing namespace template<> class N::Y<short> { /* ... */ }; // OK: specialization in enclosing namespace— end example
template<class T> class X; // X is a class template template<> class X<int>; X<int>* p; // OK: pointer to declared class X<int> X<int> x; // error: object of incomplete class X<int>— end example
template<class T> class Array { /* ... */ }; template<class T> void sort(Array<T>& v); // explicit specialization for sort(Array<int>&) // with deduced template-argument of type int template<> void sort(Array<int>&);— end example
template<class T> void f(T) { /* ... */ } template<class T> inline T g(T) { /* ... */ } template<> inline void f<>(int) { /* ... */ } // OK: inline template<> int g<>(int) { /* ... */ } // OK: not inline— end example
template<> X Q<int>::x; // declaration template<> X Q<int>::x (); // error: declares a function template<> X Q<int>::x { }; // definition— end note
template<class T> struct A { void f(T); template<class X1> void g1(T, X1); template<class X2> void g2(T, X2); void h(T) { } }; // specialization template<> void A<int>::f(int); // out of class member template definition template<class T> template<class X1> void A<T>::g1(T, X1) { } // member template specialization template<> template<class X1> void A<int>::g1(int, X1); // member template specialization template<> template<> void A<int>::g1(int, char); // X1 deduced as char template<> template<> void A<int>::g2<char>(int, char); // X2 specified as char // member specialization even if defined in class definition template<> void A<int>::h(int) { }— end example
template<class T1> class A { template<class T2> class B { void mf(); }; }; template<> template<> class A<int>::B<double>; template<> template<> void A<char>::B<char>::mf();— end example
template <class T1> class A { template<class T2> class B { template<class T3> void mf1(T3); void mf2(); }; }; template <> template <class X> class A<int>::B { template <class T> void mf1(T); }; template <> template <> template<class T> void A<int>::B<double>::mf1(T t) { } template <class Y> template <> void A<Y>::B<double>::mf2() { } // error: B<double> is specialized but // its enclosing class template A is not— end example
template<class T> void sort(Array<T>& v); void f(Array<dcomplex>& cv, Array<int>& ci) { sort<dcomplex>(cv); // sort(Array<dcomplex>&) sort<int>(ci); // sort(Array<int>&) }and
template<class U, class V> U convert(V v); void g(double d) { int i = convert<int,double>(d); // int convert(double) char c = convert<char,double>(d); // char convert(double) }
template<class X, class Y> X f(Y); template<class X, class Y, class ... Z> X g(Y); void h() { int i = f<int>(5.6); // Y deduced as double int j = f(5.6); // error: X cannot be deduced f<void>(f<int, bool>); // Y for outer f deduced as int (*)(bool) f<void>(f<int>); // error: f<int> does not denote a single function template specialization int k = g<int>(5.6); // Y deduced as double; Z deduced as an empty sequence f<void>(g<int, bool>); // Y for outer f deduced as int (*)(bool), // Z deduced as an empty sequence }— end example
template <class T> int f(T); // #1 int f(int); // #2 int k = f(1); // uses #2 int l = f<>(1); // uses #1— end note
template<class X, class Y, class Z> X f(Y,Z); template<class ... Args> void f2(); void g() { f<int,const char*,double>("aa",3.0); f<int,const char*>("aa",3.0); // Z deduced as double f<int>("aa",3.0); // Y deduced as const char*; Z deduced as double f("aa",3.0); // error: X cannot be deduced f2<char, short, int, long>(); // OK }— end example
template<class ... Types> void f(Types ... values); void g() { f<int*, float*>(0, 0, 0); // Types deduced as the sequence int*, float*, int }— end example
void f(Array<dcomplex>& cv, Array<int>& ci) { sort(cv); // calls sort(Array<dcomplex>&) sort(ci); // calls sort(Array<int>&) }and
void g(double d) { int i = convert<int>(d); // calls convert<int,double>(double) int c = convert<char>(d); // calls convert<char,double>(double) }
template <class T> void f(T t); template <class X> void g(const X x); template <class Z> void h(Z, Z*); int main() { // #1: function type is f(int), t is non const f<int>(1); // #2: function type is f(int), t is const f<const int>(1); // #3: function type is g(int), x is const g<int>(1); // #4: function type is g(int), x is const g<const int>(1); // #5: function type is h(int, const int*) h<const int>(1,0); }— end example
template <class T, class U = double> void f(T t = 0, U u = 0); void g() { f(1, 'c'); // f<int,char>(1,'c') f(1); // f<int,double>(1,0) f(); // error: T cannot be deduced f<int>(); // f<int,double>(0,0) f<int,char>(); // f<int,char>(0,0) }— end example
template <class T> struct A { using X = typename T::X; }; template <class T> typename T::X f(typename A<T>::X); template <class T> void f(...) { } template <class T> auto g(typename A<T>::X) -> typename T::X; template <class T> void g(...) { } template <class T> typename T::X h(typename A<T>::X); template <class T> auto h(typename A<T>::X) -> typename T::X; // redeclaration template <class T> void h(...) { } void x() { f<int>(0); // OK, substituting return type causes deduction to fail g<int>(0); // error, substituting parameter type instantiates A<int> h<int>(0); // ill-formed, no diagnostic required }— end example
template <class T> auto f(T) -> decltype([]() { T::invalid; } ()); void f(...); f(0); // error: invalid expression not part of the immediate context template <class T, std::size_t = sizeof([]() { T::invalid; })> void g(T); void g(...); g(0); // error: invalid expression not part of the immediate context template <class T> auto h(T) -> decltype([x = T::invalid]() { }); void h(...); h(0); // error: invalid expression not part of the immediate context template <class T> auto i(T) -> decltype([]() -> typename T::invalid { }); void i(...); i(0); // error: invalid expression not part of the immediate context template <class T> auto j(T t) -> decltype([](auto x) -> decltype(x.invalid) { } (t)); // #1 void j(...); // #2 j(0); // deduction fails on #1, calls #2— end example
struct X { }; struct Y { Y(X){} }; template <class T> auto f(T t1, T t2) -> decltype(t1 + t2); // #1 X f(Y, Y); // #2 X x1, x2; X x3 = f(x1, x2); // deduction fails on #1 (cannot add X+X), calls #2— end example
template <class T> int f(T[5]); int I = f<int>(0); int j = f<void>(0); // invalid array— end example
template <class T> int f(typename T::B*); int i = f<int>(0);— end example
template <int I> struct X { }; template <template <class T> class> struct Z { }; template <class T> void f(typename T::Y*){} template <class T> void g(X<T::N>*){} template <class T> void h(Z<T::template TT>*){} struct A {}; struct B { int Y; }; struct C { typedef int N; }; struct D { typedef int TT; }; int main() { // Deduction fails in each of these cases: f<A>(0); // A does not contain a member Y f<B>(0); // The Y member of B is not a type g<C>(0); // The N member of C is not a non-type h<D>(0); // The TT member of D is not a template }— end example
template <class T> int f(int T::*); int i = f<int>(0);— end example