Expression | Return type | Pre/post-condition | Complexity |
S::result_type | T | ||
S() | Creates a seed sequence
with the same initial state as all other default-constructed seed sequences
of type S. | constant | |
S(ib,ie) | Creates a seed sequence
having internal state
that depends on some or all of the bits
of the supplied sequence [ib,ie). | ||
S(il) | Same as S(il.begin(), il.end()). | same as S(il.begin(), il.end()) | |
q.generate(rb,re) | void | ||
r.size() | size_t | The number of 32-bit units
that would be copied
by a call to r.param. | constant |
r.param(ob) | void | Copies to the given destination
a sequence of 32-bit units
that can be provided
to the constructor of a second object of type S,
and that would reproduce in that second object
a state indistinguishable
from the state of the first object. |
Expression | Return type | Pre/post-condition | Complexity |
E() | Creates an engine
with the same initial state
as all other default-constructed engines
of type E. | ||
E(x) | Creates an engine
that compares equal to x. | ||
E(s) | Creates an engine
with initial state determined by s. | ||
E(q)241 | Creates an engine
with an initial state
that depends on a sequence
produced by one call
to q.generate. | same as complexity of q.generate
called on a sequence
whose length is size of state | |
e.seed() | void | Postconditions: e == E(). | same as E() |
e.seed(s) | void | Postconditions: e == E(s). | same as E(s) |
e.seed(q) | void | Postconditions: e == E(q). | same as E(q) |
e() | T | per [rand.req.urng] | |
e.discard(z)242 | void | no worse than the complexity
of z consecutive calls e() | |
x == y | bool | ||
x != y | bool | !(x == y). |
os << x
is >> v
bool operator==(const A& a1, const A& a2);
A::A(result_type s);
template<class Sseq> A::A(Sseq& q);
void seed();
void seed(result_type s);
template<class Sseq> void seed(Sseq& q);
Expression | Return type | Pre/post-condition | Complexity |
D::result_type | T | ||
D::param_type | P | ||
D() | Creates a distribution whose behavior is indistinguishable
from that of any other newly default-constructed distribution
of type D. | constant | |
D(p) | Creates a distribution whose behavior is indistinguishable
from that of a distribution
newly constructed directly from the values used to construct p. | same as p's construction | |
d.reset() | void | constant | |
x.param() | P | no worse than the complexity of D(p) | |
d.param(p) | void | Postconditions: d.param() == p. | no worse than the complexity of D(p) |
d(g) | T | With ,
the sequence of numbers
returned by successive invocations
with the same object g
is randomly distributed
according to the associated
p(z |{p})
function. | amortized constant number of invocations of g |
d(g,p) | T | The sequence of numbers
returned by successive invocations
with the same objects g and p
is randomly distributed
according to the associated
p(z |{p})
function. | amortized constant number of invocations of g |
x.min() | T | Returns glb. | constant |
x.max() | T | Returns lub. | constant |
x == y | bool | constant | |
x != y | bool | !(x == y). | same as x == y. |
os << x
is >> d
explicit linear_congruential_engine(result_type s);
template<class Sseq> explicit linear_congruential_engine(Sseq& q);
explicit mersenne_twister_engine(result_type value);
template<class Sseq> explicit mersenne_twister_engine(Sseq& q);
explicit subtract_with_carry_engine(result_type value);
template<class Sseq> explicit subtract_with_carry_engine(Sseq& q);
explicit philox_engine(result_type value);
template<class Sseq> explicit philox_engine(Sseq& q);
void set_counter(const array<result_type, n>& c);
using minstd_rand0 =
linear_congruential_engine<uint_fast32_t, 16'807, 0, 2'147'483'647>;
using minstd_rand =
linear_congruential_engine<uint_fast32_t, 48'271, 0, 2'147'483'647>;
using mt19937 =
mersenne_twister_engine<uint_fast32_t, 32, 624, 397, 31,
0x9908'b0df, 11, 0xffff'ffff, 7, 0x9d2c'5680, 15, 0xefc6'0000, 18, 1'812'433'253>;
using mt19937_64 =
mersenne_twister_engine<uint_fast64_t, 64, 312, 156, 31,
0xb502'6f5a'a966'19e9, 29, 0x5555'5555'5555'5555, 17,
0x71d6'7fff'eda6'0000, 37, 0xfff7'eee0'0000'0000, 43, 6'364'136'223'846'793'005>;
using ranlux24_base =
subtract_with_carry_engine<uint_fast32_t, 24, 10, 24>;
using ranlux48_base =
subtract_with_carry_engine<uint_fast64_t, 48, 5, 12>;
using ranlux24 = discard_block_engine<ranlux24_base, 223, 23>;
using ranlux48 = discard_block_engine<ranlux48_base, 389, 11>;
using knuth_b = shuffle_order_engine<minstd_rand0,256>;
using philox4x32 =
philox_engine<uint_fast32_t, 32, 4, 10,
0xCD9E8D57, 0x9E3779B9, 0xD2511F53, 0xBB67AE85>;
using philox4x64 =
philox_engine<uint_fast64_t, 64, 4, 10,
0xCA5A826395121157, 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15, 0xD2E7470EE14C6C93, 0xBB67AE8584CAA73B>;
explicit random_device(const string& token);
double entropy() const noexcept;
result_type operator()();
seed_seq() noexcept;
template<class T>
seed_seq(initializer_list<T> il);
template<class InputIterator>
seed_seq(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end);
template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void generate(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end);
size_t size() const noexcept;
template<class OutputIterator>
void param(OutputIterator dest) const;
template<class RealType, size_t digits, class URBG>
RealType generate_canonical(URBG& g);
explicit uniform_int_distribution(IntType a, IntType b = numeric_limits<IntType>::max());
result_type a() const;
result_type b() const;
explicit uniform_real_distribution(RealType a, RealType b = 1.0);
result_type a() const;
result_type b() const;
explicit bernoulli_distribution(double p);
double p() const;
explicit binomial_distribution(IntType t, double p = 0.5);
IntType t() const;
double p() const;
explicit geometric_distribution(double p);
double p() const;
explicit negative_binomial_distribution(IntType k, double p = 0.5);
IntType k() const;
double p() const;
explicit poisson_distribution(double mean);
double mean() const;
explicit exponential_distribution(RealType lambda);
RealType lambda() const;
explicit gamma_distribution(RealType alpha, RealType beta = 1.0);
RealType alpha() const;
RealType beta() const;
explicit weibull_distribution(RealType a, RealType b = 1.0);
RealType a() const;
RealType b() const;
explicit extreme_value_distribution(RealType a, RealType b = 1.0);
RealType a() const;
RealType b() const;
explicit normal_distribution(RealType mean, RealType stddev = 1.0);
RealType mean() const;
RealType stddev() const;
explicit lognormal_distribution(RealType m, RealType s = 1.0);
RealType m() const;
RealType s() const;
explicit chi_squared_distribution(RealType n);
RealType n() const;
explicit cauchy_distribution(RealType a, RealType b = 1.0);
RealType a() const;
RealType b() const;
explicit fisher_f_distribution(RealType m, RealType n = 1);
RealType m() const;
RealType n() const;
explicit student_t_distribution(RealType n);
RealType n() const;
template<class InputIterator>
discrete_distribution(InputIterator firstW, InputIterator lastW);
discrete_distribution(initializer_list<double> wl);
template<class UnaryOperation>
discrete_distribution(size_t nw, double xmin, double xmax, UnaryOperation fw);
vector<double> probabilities() const;
template<class InputIteratorB, class InputIteratorW>
piecewise_constant_distribution(InputIteratorB firstB, InputIteratorB lastB,
InputIteratorW firstW);
template<class UnaryOperation>
piecewise_constant_distribution(initializer_list<RealType> bl, UnaryOperation fw);
template<class UnaryOperation>
piecewise_constant_distribution(size_t nw, RealType xmin, RealType xmax, UnaryOperation fw);
vector<result_type> intervals() const;
vector<result_type> densities() const;
template<class InputIteratorB, class InputIteratorW>
piecewise_linear_distribution(InputIteratorB firstB, InputIteratorB lastB,
InputIteratorW firstW);
template<class UnaryOperation>
piecewise_linear_distribution(initializer_list<RealType> bl, UnaryOperation fw);
template<class UnaryOperation>
piecewise_linear_distribution(size_t nw, RealType xmin, RealType xmax, UnaryOperation fw);
vector<result_type> intervals() const;
vector<result_type> densities() const;
int rand();
void srand(unsigned int seed);