23 General utilities library [utilities]

23.11 Smart pointers [smartptr]

23.11.1 Class template unique_­ptr [unique.ptr] unique_­ptr for single objects [unique.ptr.single] unique_­ptr constructors [unique.ptr.single.ctor]

constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept; constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept;

Requires: D shall satisfy the requirements of DefaultConstructible, and that construction shall not throw an exception.

Effects: Constructs a unique_­ptr object that owns nothing, value-initializing the stored pointer and the stored deleter.

Postconditions: get() == nullptr. get_­deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter.

Remarks: If is_­pointer_­v<deleter_­type> is true or is_­default_­constructible_­v<deleter_­type> is false, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution.

explicit unique_ptr(pointer p) noexcept;

Requires: D shall satisfy the requirements of DefaultConstructible, and that construction shall not throw an exception.

Effects: Constructs a unique_­ptr which owns p, initializing the stored pointer with p and value-initializing the stored deleter.

Postconditions: get() == p. get_­deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter.

Remarks: If is_­pointer_­v<deleter_­type> is true or is_­default_­constructible_­v<deleter_­type> is false, this constructor shall not participate in overload resolution. If class template argument deduction ([over.match.class.deduct]) would select the function template corresponding to this constructor, then the program is ill-formed.

unique_ptr(pointer p, see below d1) noexcept; unique_ptr(pointer p, see below d2) noexcept;

The signature of these constructors depends upon whether D is a reference type. If D is a non-reference type A, then the signatures are:

unique_ptr(pointer p, const A& d) noexcept;
unique_ptr(pointer p, A&& d) noexcept;

If D is an lvalue reference type A&, then the signatures are:

unique_ptr(pointer p, A& d) noexcept;
unique_ptr(pointer p, A&& d) = delete;

If D is an lvalue reference type const A&, then the signatures are:

unique_ptr(pointer p, const A& d) noexcept;
unique_ptr(pointer p, const A&& d) = delete;

Effects: Constructs a unique_­ptr object which owns p, initializing the stored pointer with p and initializing the deleter from std​::​forward<decltype(d)>(d).

Remarks: These constructors shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_­constructible_­v<D, decltype(d)> is true.

Postconditions: get() == p. get_­deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter. If D is a reference type then get_­deleter() returns a reference to the lvalue d.

Remarks: If class template argument deduction ([over.match.class.deduct]) would select a function template corresponding to either of these constructors, then the program is ill-formed.


D d;
unique_ptr<int, D> p1(new int, D());        // D must be MoveConstructible
unique_ptr<int, D> p2(new int, d);          // D must be CopyConstructible
unique_ptr<int, D&> p3(new int, d);         // p3 holds a reference to d
unique_ptr<int, const D&> p4(new int, D()); // error: rvalue deleter object combined
                                            // with reference deleter type

end example]

unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept;

Requires: If D is not a reference type, D shall satisfy the requirements of MoveConstructible. Construction of the deleter from an rvalue of type D shall not throw an exception.

Effects: Constructs a unique_­ptr by transferring ownership from u to *this. If D is a reference type, this deleter is copy constructed from u's deleter; otherwise, this deleter is move constructed from u's deleter. [Note: The deleter constructor can be implemented with std​::​forward<D>. end note]

Postconditions: get() yields the value u.get() yielded before the construction. get_­deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter that was constructed from u.get_­deleter(). If D is a reference type then get_­deleter() and u.get_­deleter() both reference the same lvalue deleter.

template <class U, class E> unique_ptr(unique_ptr<U, E>&& u) noexcept;

Requires: If E is not a reference type, construction of the deleter from an rvalue of type E shall be well formed and shall not throw an exception. Otherwise, E is a reference type and construction of the deleter from an lvalue of type E shall be well formed and shall not throw an exception.

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless:

  • unique_­ptr<U, E>​::​pointer is implicitly convertible to pointer,

  • U is not an array type, and

  • either D is a reference type and E is the same type as D, or D is not a reference type and E is implicitly convertible to D.

Effects: Constructs a unique_­ptr by transferring ownership from u to *this. If E is a reference type, this deleter is copy constructed from u's deleter; otherwise, this deleter is move constructed from u's deleter. [Note: The deleter constructor can be implemented with std​::​forward<E>. end note]

Postconditions: get() yields the value u.get() yielded before the construction. get_­deleter() returns a reference to the stored deleter that was constructed from u.get_­deleter().