Annex C (informative) Compatibility [diff]

C.1 C++ and ISO C [diff.iso]

C.1.5 Clause [stmt.stmt]: statements [diff.stat]

[stmt.switch], [stmt.goto]
Change: It is now invalid to jump past a declaration with explicit or implicit initializer (except across entire block not entered)
Rationale: Constructors used in initializers may allocate resources which need to be de-allocated upon leaving the block. Allowing jump past initializers would require complicated run-time determination of allocation. Furthermore, any use of the uninitialized object could be a disaster. With this simple compile-time rule, C++ assures that if an initialized variable is in scope, then it has assuredly been initialized.
Effect on original feature: Deletion of semantically well-defined feature.
Difficulty of converting: Semantic transformation.
How widely used: Seldom.

Change: It is now invalid to return (explicitly or implicitly) from a function which is declared to return a value without actually returning a value
Rationale: The caller and callee may assume fairly elaborate return-value mechanisms for the return of class objects. If some flow paths execute a return without specifying any value, the implementation must embody many more complications. Besides, promising to return a value of a given type, and then not returning such a value, has always been recognized to be a questionable practice, tolerated only because very-old C had no distinction between void functions and int functions.
Effect on original feature: Deletion of semantically well-defined feature.
Difficulty of converting: Semantic transformation. Add an appropriate return value to the source code, such as zero.
How widely used: Seldom. For several years, many existing C implementations have produced warnings in this case.