857. condition_variable::time_wait return bool error prone

Section: 33.7.4 [thread.condition.condvar] Status: C++11 Submitter: Beman Dawes Opened: 2008-06-13 Last modified: 2016-01-28 10:19:27 UTC

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [thread.condition.condvar].

View all issues with C++11 status.


The meaning of the bool returned by condition_variable::timed_wait is so obscure that even the class' designer can't deduce it correctly. Several people have independently stumbled on this issue.

It might be simpler to change the return type to a scoped enum:

enum class timeout { not_reached, reached };

That's the same cost as returning a bool, but not subject to mistakes. Your example below would be:

if (cv.wait_until(lk, time_limit) == timeout::reached )
  throw time_out();

[ Beman to supply exact wording. ]

[ San Francisco: ]

There is concern that the enumeration names are just as confusing, if not more so, as the bool. You might have awoken because of a signal or a spurious wakeup, for example.

Group feels that this is a defect that needs fixing.

Group prefers returning an enum over a void return.

Howard to provide wording.

[ 2009-06-14 Beman provided wording. ]

[ 2009-07 Frankfurt: ]

Move to Ready.

Proposed resolution:

Change Condition variables 33.7 [thread.condition], Header condition_variable synopsis, as indicated:

namespace std {
  class condition_variable;
  class condition_variable_any;

  enum class cv_status { no_timeout, timeout };

Change class condition_variable 33.7.4 [thread.condition.condvar] as indicated:

class condition_variable { 
  template <class Clock, class Duration>
    bool cv_status wait_until(unique_lock<mutex>& lock,
                    const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);
  template <class Clock, class Duration, class Predicate>
    bool wait_until(unique_lock<mutex>& lock,
                    const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time,
                    Predicate pred);

  template <class Rep, class Period>
    bool cv_status wait_for(unique_lock<mutex>& lock,
                  const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);
  template <class Rep, class Period, class Predicate>
    bool wait_for(unique_lock<mutex>& lock,
                  const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time,
                  Predicate pred);


template <class Clock, class Duration>
  bool cv_status wait_until(unique_lock<mutex>& lock,
                  const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);

-15- Precondition: lock is locked by the calling thread, and either

-16- Effects:

-17- Postcondition: lock is locked by the calling thread.

-18- Returns: Clock::now() < abs_time cv_status::timeout if the function unblocked because abs_time was reached, otherwise cv_status::no_timeout.

-19- Throws: std::system_error when the effects or postcondition cannot be achieved.

-20- Error conditions:

template <class Rep, class Period>
  bool cv_status wait_for(unique_lock<mutex>& lock,
                const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);

-21- Effects Returns:

wait_until(lock, chrono::monotonic_clock::now() + rel_time)

-22- Returns: false if the call is returning because the time duration specified by rel_time has elapsed, otherwise true.

[ This part of the wording may conflict with 859 in detail, but does not do so in spirit. If both issues are accepted, there is a logical merge. ]

template <class Clock, class Duration, class Predicate> 
  bool wait_until(unique_lock<mutex>& lock, 
                  const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time, 
                  Predicate pred);

-23- Effects:

while (!pred()) 
  if (!wait_until(lock, abs_time) == cv_status::timeout) 
    return pred(); 
return true;

-24- Returns: pred().

-25- [Note: The returned value indicates whether the predicate evaluates to true regardless of whether the timeout was triggered. — end note].

Change Class condition_variable_any 33.7.5 [thread.condition.condvarany] as indicated:

class condition_variable_any {
  template <class Lock, class Clock, class Duration>
    bool cv_status wait_until(Lock& lock,
                    const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);
  template <class Lock, class Clock, class Duration, class Predicate>
    bool wait_until(Lock& lock,
                    const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time,
                    Predicate pred);

  template <class Lock, class Rep, class Period>
    bool cv_status wait_for(Lock& lock,
                  const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);
  template <class Lock, class Rep, class Period, class Predicate>
    bool wait_for(Lock& lock,
                  const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time,
                  Predicate pred);


template <class Lock, class Clock, class Duration>
  bool cv_status wait_until(Lock& lock,
                  const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);

-13- Effects:

-14- Postcondition: lock is locked by the calling thread.

-15- Returns: Clock::now() < abs_time cv_status::timeout if the function unblocked because abs_time was reached, otherwise cv_status::no_timeout.

-16- Throws: std::system_error when the effects or postcondition cannot be achieved.

-17- Error conditions:

template <class Lock, class Rep, class Period>
  bool cv_status wait_for(Lock& lock,
                const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);

-18- Effects Returns:

wait_until(lock, chrono::monotonic_clock::now() + rel_time)

-19- Returns: false if the call is returning because the time duration specified by rel_time has elapsed, otherwise true.

[ This part of the wording may conflict with 859 in detail, but does not do so in spirit. If both issues are accepted, there is a logical merge. ]

template <class Lock, class Clock, class Duration, class Predicate> 
  bool wait_until(Lock& lock, 
                  const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& rel_time abs_time, 
                  Predicate pred);

-20- Effects:

while (!pred()) 
  if (!wait_until(lock, abs_time) == cv_status::timeout) 
    return pred(); 
return true;

-21- Returns: pred().

-22- [Note: The returned value indicates whether the predicate evaluates to true regardless of whether the timeout was triggered. — end note].