2899. is_(nothrow_)move_constructible and tuple, optional and unique_ptr

Section: 22.4 [tuple], 22.5 [optional], [unique.ptr.single.ctor] Status: C++20 Submitter: United States Opened: 2017-02-03 Last modified: 2021-02-25 10:48:01 UTC

Priority: 2

View all other issues in [tuple].

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Addresses US 110

The move constructors for tuple, optional, and unique_ptr should return false for is_(nothrow_)move_constructible_v<TYPE> when their corresponding Requires clauses are not satisfied, as there are now several library clauses that are defined in terms of these traits. The same concern applies to the move-assignment operator. Note that pair and variant already satisfy this constraint.

[2017-02-26, Scott Schurr provides wording]

[ 2017-06-27 P2 after 5 positive votes on c++std-lib. ]

[2016-07, Toronto Thursday night issues processing]

The description doesn't match the resolution; Alisdair to investigate. Status to Open

Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

This wording is relative to N4640.

  1. Modify 22.4.4 [tuple.tuple] as indicated:

    //, tuple construction
    EXPLICIT constexpr tuple();
    EXPLICIT constexpr tuple(const Types&...); // only if sizeof...(Types) >= 1
    template <class... UTypes>
    EXPLICIT constexpr tuple(UTypes&&...) noexcept(see below); // only if sizeof...(Types) >= 1
    tuple(const tuple&) = default;
    tuple(tuple&&) = default;
    template <class... UTypes>
    EXPLICIT constexpr tuple(const tuple<UTypes...>&);
    template <class... UTypes>
    EXPLICIT constexpr tuple(tuple<UTypes...>&&) noexcept(see below);
    template <class U1, class U2>
    EXPLICIT constexpr tuple(const pair<U1, U2>&); // only if sizeof...(Types) == 2
    template <class U1, class U2>
    EXPLICIT constexpr tuple(pair<U1, U2>&&) noexcept(see below); // only if sizeof...(Types) == 2
    //, tuple assignment
    tuple& operator=(const tuple&);
    tuple& operator=(tuple&&) noexcept(see below);
    template <class... UTypes>
    tuple& operator=(const tuple<UTypes...>&);
    template <class... UTypes>
    tuple& operator=(tuple<UTypes...>&&) noexcept(see below);
    template <class U1, class U2>
    tuple& operator=(const pair<U1, U2>&); // only if sizeof...(Types) == 2
    template <class U1, class U2>
    tuple& operator=(pair<U1, U2>&&) noexcept(see below); // only if sizeof...(Types) == 2
  2. Modify [tuple.cnstr] as indicated:

    template <class... UTypes> EXPLICIT constexpr tuple(UTypes&&... u) noexcept(see below);

    -8- Effects: Initializes the elements in the tuple with the corresponding value in std::forward<UTypes>(u).

    -9- Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes) and sizeof...(Types) >= 1 and is_constructible_v<Ti, Ui&&> is true for all i. The constructor is explicit if and only if is_convertible_v<Ui&&, Ti> is false for at least one i. The expression inside noexcept is equivalent to the logical AND of the following expressions:

    is_nothrow_constructible_v<Ti, Ui&&>

    where Ti is the ith type in Types, and Ui is the ith type in UTypes.


    template <class... UTypes> EXPLICIT constexpr tuple(tuple<UTypes...>&& u) noexcept(see below);

    -16- Effects: For all i, initializes the ith element of *this with std::forward<Ui>(get<i>(u)).

    -17- Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless


    The constructor is explicit if and only if is_convertible_v<Ui&&, Ti> is false for at least one i. The expression inside noexcept is equivalent to the logical AND of the following expressions:

    is_nothrow_constructible_v<Ti, Ui&&>

    where Ti is the ith type in Types, and Ui is the ith type in UTypes.


    template <class U1, class U2> EXPLICIT constexpr tuple(pair<U1, U2>&& u) noexcept(see below);

    -21- Effects: Initializes the first element with std::forward<U1>(u.first) and the second element with std::forward<U2>(u.second).

    -22- Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless sizeof...(Types) == 2, is_constructible_v<T0, U1&&> is true and is_constructible_v<T1, U2&&> is true.

    -23- The constructor is explicit if and only if is_convertible_v<U1&&, T0> is false or is_convertible_v<U2&&, T1> is false. The expression inside noexcept is equivalent to:

    is_nothrow_constructible_v<T0, U1&&> && is_nothrow_constructible_v<T1, U2&&>
  3. Modify [tuple.assign] as indicated:

    template <class... UTypes> tuple& operator=(tuple<UTypes...>&& u) noexcept(see below);

    -12- Effects: For all i, assigns std::forward<Ui>(get<i>(u)) to get<i>(*this).

    -13- Remarks: This operator shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_assignable_v<Ti&, Ui&&> == true for all i and sizeof...(Types) == sizeof...(UTypes). The expression inside noexcept is equivalent to the logical AND of the following expressions:

    is_nothrow_assignable_v<Ti&, Ui&&>

    where Ti is the ith type in Types, and Ui is the ith type in UTypes.

    -14- Returns: *this.


    template <class U1, class U2> tuple& operator=(pair<U1, U2>&& u) noexcept(see below);

    -18- Effects: Assigns std::forward<U1>(u.first) to the first element of *this and std::forward<U2>(u.second) to the second element of *this.

    -19- Remarks: This operator shall not participate in overload resolution unless sizeof...(Types) == 2 and is_assignable_v<T0&, U1&&> is true for the first type T0 in Types and is_assignable_v<T1&, U2&&> is true for the second type T1 in Types. The expression inside noexcept is equivalent to:

    is_nothrow_assignable_v<T0&, U1&&> && is_nothrow_assignable_v<T1&, U2&&>

    -20- Returns: *this.

[2019-02-14; Jonathan comments and provides revised wording]

The suggested change was already made to std::optional by LWG 2756. The current P/R for 2899 doesn't resolve the issue for std::tuple or std::unique_ptr. I hope the following alternative does.

[2019-02; Kona Wednesday night issue processing]

Status to Ready

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4800.

  1. Modify [tuple.cnstr] as indicated:

    tuple(tuple&& u) = default;

    -13- RequiresConstraints: is_move_constructible_v<Ti> is true for all i.

    -14- Effects: For all i, initializes the ith element of *this with std::forward<Ti>(get<i>(u)).

  2. Modify [unique.ptr.single.ctor] as indicated:

    unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept;

    -?- Constraints: is_move_constructible_v<D> is true.

    -15- Requires: If D is not a reference type, D shall satisfy the Cpp17MoveConstructible requirements (Table 26). Construction of the deleter from an rvalue of type D shall not throw an exception.


  3. Modify [unique.ptr.single.asgn] as indicated:

    unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept;

    -?- Constraints: is_move_assignable_v<D> is true.

    -1- Requires: If D is not a reference type, D shall satisfy the Cpp17MoveAssignable requirements (Table 28) and assignment of the deleter from an rvalue of type D shall not throw an exception. Otherwise, D is a reference type; remove_reference_t<D> shall satisfy the Cpp17CopyAssignable requirements and assignment of the deleter from an lvalue of type D shall not throw an exception.

    -2- Effects: Calls reset(u.release()) followed by get_deleter() = std::forward<D>(u.get_deleter()).
