Section: 33.7 [thread.condition] Status: Resolved Submitter: Switzerland Opened: 2010-08-25 Last modified: 2016-01-28 10:19:27 UTC
Priority: Not Prioritized
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Addresses CH-29
It is unclear if a spurious wake-up during the loop and reentering of the blocked state due to a repeated execution of the loop will adjust the timer of the blocking with the respect to the previously specified rel_time value.
[ Resolution proposed by ballot comment: ]
Make it clear (e.g. by a note) that when reexecuting the loop the waiting time when blocked will be adjusted with respect to the elapsed time of the previous loop executions.
[ 2010-08-13 Peter Sommerlad comments and provides wording: ]
Problem: It is unclear if a spurious wake-up during the loop and re-entering of the blocked state due to a repeated execution of the loop will adjust the timer of the blocking with the respect to the previously specified rel_time value.
Proposed Resolution from CH29: Make it clear (e.g. by a note) that when re-executing the loop the waiting time when blocked will be adjusted with respect to the elapsed time of the previous loop executions. Discussion in Rapperswil: Assuming the introduction of a mandatory steady_clock proposed by US-181 to the FCD the specification of condition_variable::wait_for can be defined in terms of wait_until using the steady_clock. This is also interleaving with US-181, because that touches the same paragraph (30.5.1 p 25, p34 and 30.5.2 p 20, p 28 in n3092.pdf) (The "as if" in the proposed solutions should be confirmed by the standardization terminology experts)
[ 2010-11 Batavia: Resolved by applying n3191 ]
- Change 33.7.4 [thread.condition.condvar] paragraph 25, wait_for Effects as indicated:
template <class Rep, class Period> cv_status wait_for(unique_lock<mutex>& lock, const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);[..]
25 Effects: as ifreturn wait_until(lock, chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time);
Atomically calls lock.unlock() and blocks on *this.When unblocked, calls lock.lock() (possibly blocking on the lock), then returns.The function will unblock when signaled by a call to notify_one() or a call to notify_all(), by the elapsed time rel_time passing (30.2.4), or spuriously.If the function exits via an exception, lock.lock() shall be called prior to exiting the function scope.- Change 33.7.4 [thread.condition.condvar] paragraph 34, wait_for with predicate Effects as indicated:
template <class Rep, class Period, class Predicate> bool wait_for(unique_lock<mutex>& lock, const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time, Predicate pred);[..]
34 Effects: as ifreturn wait_until(lock, chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time, std::move(pred));
Executes a loop: Within the loop the function first evaluates pred() and exits the loop if the result is true.Atomically calls lock.unlock() and blocks on *this.When unblocked, calls lock.lock() (possibly blocking on the lock).The function will unblock when signaled by a call to notify_one() or a call to notify_all(), by the elapsed time rel_time passing (30.2.4), or spuriously.If the function exits via an exception, lock.lock() shall be called prior to exiting the function scope.The loop terminates when pred() returns true or when the time duration specified by rel_time has elapsed.- Change 33.7.5 [thread.condition.condvarany] paragraph 20, wait_for Effects as indicated:
template <class Lock, class Rep, class Period> cv_status wait_for(Lock& lock, const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);20 Effects: as if
return wait_until(lock, chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time);
Atomically calls lock.unlock() and blocks on *this.When unblocked, calls lock.lock() (possibly blocking on the lock), then returns.The function will unblock when signaled by a call to notify_one() or a call to notify_all(), by the elapsed time rel_time passing (30.2.4), or spuriously.If the function exits via an exception, lock.unlock() shall be called prior to exiting the function scope.- Change 33.7.5 [thread.condition.condvarany] paragraph 28, wait_for with predicate Effects as indicated:
template <class Lock, class Rep, class Period, class Predicate> bool wait_for(Lock& lock, const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time, Predicate pred);28 Effects: as if
return wait_until(lock, chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time, std::move(pred));
Executes a loop: Within the loop the function first evaluates pred() and exits the loop if the result is true.Atomically calls lock.unlock() and blocks on *this.When unblocked, calls lock.lock() (possibly blocking on the lock).The function will unblock when signaled by a call to notify_one() or a call to notify_all(), by the elapsed time rel_time passing (30.2.4), or spuriously.If the function exits via an exception, lock.unlock() shall be called prior to exiting the function scope.The loop terminates when pred() returns true or when the time duration specified by rel_time has elapsed.
Proposed resolution:
Resolved by n3191.