Section: 99 [pair.range] Status: C++11 Submitter: BSI Opened: 2010-08-25 Last modified: 2016-01-28 10:19:27 UTC
Priority: Not Prioritized
View all issues with C++11 status.
Addresses GB-85
While std::pair may happen to hold a pair of iterators forming a valid range, this is more likely a coincidence than a feature guaranteed by the semantics of the pair template. A distinct range-type should be supplied to enable the new for-loop syntax rather than overloading an existing type with a different semantic.
If a replacement facility is required for C++0x, consider n2995.
[ Resolved in Rapperswil by a motion to directly apply the words from the ballot comment in N3102. ]
Proposed resolution:
Strike and the matching declarations in 20.3 header synopsis.