Section: 26.10 [numeric.ops] Status: NAD Concepts Submitter: Alisdair Meredith Opened: 2009-03-17 Last modified: 2016-01-28
Priority: Not Prioritized
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One of the motivating examples for introducing requirements-aliases was to
simplify the wording of the inner_product
requirements. As the paper
adopting the feature and constrained wording for the library went through in
the same meeting, it was not possible to make the change at the time. The
simpler form should be adopted now though. Similarly, most the other
numerical algorithms can benefit from a minor cleanup.
Note that in each case, the second more generalised form of the algorithm does not benefit, as there are already named constraints supplied by the template type parameters.
[ 2009-05-02 Daniel adds: ]
one part of the suggested resolution suggests the removal of the
requirement frominner_product
. According to 26.10.5 [inner.product]Computes its result by initializing the accumulator
with the initial valueinit
this step requires at least
.Therefore I strongly suggest to take this removal back (Note also that the corresponding overload with a functor argument still has the same
[ Batavia (2009-05): ]
We agree with the proposed resolution as amended by Daniel's suggestion to restore
, reflected in the updated proposed resolution below.Move to Tentatively Ready.
Proposed resolution:
Change in 26.10 [numeric.ops] and 26.10.3 [accumulate]:
template <InputIterator Iter, MoveConstructible T> requires add = HasPlus<T, Iter::reference> && HasAssign<T,HasPlus<T, Iter::reference>add::result_type> T accumulate(Iter first, Iter last, T init);
Change in 26.10 [numeric.ops] and 26.10.5 [inner.product]:
template <InputIterator Iter1, InputIterator Iter2, MoveConstructible T> requires mult = HasMultiply<Iter1::reference, Iter2::reference> && add = HasPlus<T,HasMultiply<Iter1::reference, Iter2::reference>mult::result_type> && HasAssign< T,HasPlus<T, HasMultiply<Iter1::reference, Iter2::reference>::result_type>add::result_type> T inner_product(Iter1 first1, Iter1 last1, Iter2 first2, T init);
Change in 26.10 [numeric.ops] and 26.10.7 [partial.sum]:
template <InputIterator InIter, OutputIterator<auto, const InIter::value_type&> OutIter> requires add = HasPlus<InIter::value_type, InIter::reference> && HasAssign<InIter::value_type,HasPlus<InIter::value_type, InIter::reference>add::result_type> && Constructible<InIter::value_type, InIter::reference> OutIter partial_sum(InIter first, InIter last, OutIter result);
Change in 26.10 [numeric.ops] and 26.10.12 [adjacent.difference]:
template <InputIterator InIter, OutputIterator<auto, const InIter::value_type&> OutIter> requires sub = HasMinus<InIter::value_type, InIter::value_type> && Constructible<InIter::value_type, InIter::reference> && OutputIterator<OutIter,HasMinus<InIter::value_type, InIter::value_type>sub::result_type> && MoveAssignable<InIter::value_type> OutIter adjacent_difference(InIter first, InIter last, OutIter result);