30 Time library [time]

30.13 Parsing [time.parse]

Each parse overload specified in this subclause calls from_stream unqualified, so as to enable argument-dependent lookup ([basic.lookup.argdep]).
In the following paragraphs, let is denote an object of type basic_istream<charT, traits> and let I be basic_istream<charT, traits>&, where charT and traits are template parameters in that context.
Recommended practice: Implementations should make it difficult to accidentally store or use a manipulator that may contain a dangling reference to a format string, for example by making the manipulators produced by parse immovable and preventing stream extraction into an lvalue of such a manipulator type.
template<class charT, class Parsable> unspecified parse(const charT* fmt, Parsable& tp); template<class charT, class traits, class Alloc, class Parsable> unspecified parse(const basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& fmt, Parsable& tp);
Let F be fmt for the first overload and fmt.c_str() for the second overload.
Let traits be char_traits<charT> for the first overload.
Constraints: The expression from_stream(declval<basic_istream<charT, traits>&>(), F, tp) is well-formed when treated as an unevaluated operand.
Returns: A manipulator such that the expression is >> parse(fmt, tp) has type I, has value is, and calls from_stream(is, F, tp).
template<class charT, class traits, class Alloc, class Parsable> unspecified parse(const charT* fmt, Parsable& tp, basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& abbrev); template<class charT, class traits, class Alloc, class Parsable> unspecified parse(const basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& fmt, Parsable& tp, basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& abbrev);
Let F be fmt for the first overload and fmt.c_str() for the second overload.
Constraints: The expression from_stream(declval<basic_istream<charT, traits>&>(), F, tp, addressof(abbrev)) is well-formed when treated as an unevaluated operand.
Returns: A manipulator such that the expression is >> parse(fmt, tp, abbrev) has type I, has value is, and calls from_stream(is, F, tp, addressof(abbrev)).
template<class charT, class Parsable> unspecified parse(const charT* fmt, Parsable& tp, minutes& offset); template<class charT, class traits, class Alloc, class Parsable> unspecified parse(const basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& fmt, Parsable& tp, minutes& offset);
Let F be fmt for the first overload and fmt.c_str() for the second overload.
Let traits be char_traits<charT> and Alloc be allocator<charT> for the first overload.
Constraints: The expression from_stream(declval<basic_istream<charT, traits>&>(), F, tp, declval<basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>*>(), &offset) is well-formed when treated as an unevaluated operand.
Returns: A manipulator such that the expression is >> parse(fmt, tp, offset) has type I, has value is, and calls: from_stream(is, F, tp, static_cast<basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>*>(nullptr), &offset)
template<class charT, class traits, class Alloc, class Parsable> unspecified parse(const charT* fmt, Parsable& tp, basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& abbrev, minutes& offset); template<class charT, class traits, class Alloc, class Parsable> unspecified parse(const basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& fmt, Parsable& tp, basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& abbrev, minutes& offset);
Let F be fmt for the first overload and fmt.c_str() for the second overload.
Constraints: The expression from_stream(declval<basic_istream<charT, traits>&>(), F, tp, addressof(abbrev), &offset) is well-formed when treated as an unevaluated operand.
Returns: A manipulator such that the expression is >> parse(fmt, tp, abbrev, offset) has type I, has value is, and calls from_stream(is, F, tp, addressof(abbrev), &offset).
All from_stream overloads behave as unformatted input functions, except that they have an unspecified effect on the value returned by subsequent calls to basic_istream<>​::​gcount().
Each overload takes a format string containing ordinary characters and flags which have special meaning.
Each flag begins with a %.
Some flags can be modified by E or O.
During parsing each flag interprets characters as parts of date and time types according to Table 129.
Some flags can be modified by a width parameter given as a positive decimal integer called out as N below which governs how many characters are parsed from the stream in interpreting the flag.
All characters in the format string that are not represented in Table 129, except for whitespace, are parsed unchanged from the stream.
A whitespace character matches zero or more whitespace characters in the input stream.
If the type being parsed cannot represent the information that the format flag refers to, is.setstate(ios_base​::​failbit) is called.
[Example 1: 
A duration cannot represent a weekday.
β€” end example]
However, if a flag refers to a β€œtime of day” (e.g., %H, %I, %p, etc.)
, then a specialization of duration is parsed as the time of day elapsed since midnight.
If the from_stream overload fails to parse everything specified by the format string, or if insufficient information is parsed to specify a complete duration, time point, or calendrical data structure, setstate(ios_base​::​failbit) is called on the basic_istream.
Table 129 — Meaning of parse flags [tab:time.parse.spec]
Parsed value
The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive weekday name.
Equivalent to %a.
The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive month name.
Equivalent to %b.
The locale's date and time representation.
The modified command %Ec interprets the locale's alternate date and time representation.
The century as a decimal number.
The modified command %NC specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %EC interprets the locale's alternative representation of the century.
The day of the month as a decimal number.
The modified command %Nd specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %Od interprets the locale's alternative representation of the day of the month.
Equivalent to %m/%d/%y.
Equivalent to %d and can be modified like %d.
Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d.
If modified with a width N, the width is applied to only %Y.
The last two decimal digits of the calendar year, as specified in ISO 8601-1:2019 for the week calendar.
The modified command %Ng specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The calendar year as a decimal number, as specified in ISO 8601-1:2019 for the week calendar.
The modified command %NG specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 4.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
Equivalent to %b.
The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number.
The modified command %NH specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %OH interprets the locale's alternative representation.
The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number.
The modified command %NI specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %OI interprets the locale's alternative representation.
If the type being parsed is a specialization of duration, a decimal number of days.
Otherwise, the day of the year as a decimal number.
January 1 is 1.
In either case, the modified command %Nj specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 3.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The month as a decimal number.
January is 1.
The modified command %Nm specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %Om interprets the locale's alternative representation.
The minutes as a decimal number.
The modified command %NM specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %OM interprets the locale's alternative representation.
Matches one whitespace character.
[Note 1: 
%n, %t, and a space can be combined to match a wide range of whitespace patterns.
For example, "%n " matches one or more whitespace characters, and "%n%t%t" matches one to three whitespace characters.
β€” end note]
The locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock.
The locale's 12-hour clock time.
Equivalent to %H:%M.
The seconds as a decimal number.
The modified command %NS specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2 if the input time has a precision convertible to seconds.
Otherwise the default width is determined by the decimal precision of the input and the field is interpreted as a long double in a fixed format.
If encountered, the locale determines the decimal point character.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %OS interprets the locale's alternative representation.
Matches zero or one whitespace characters.
Equivalent to %H:%M:%S.
The calendar day of week as a decimal number (1-7), as specified in ISO 8601-1:2019, where Monday is 1.
The modified command %Nu specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 1.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The week number of the year as a decimal number.
The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01.
Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00.
The modified command %NU specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %OU interprets the locale's alternative representation.
The calendar week of year as a decimal number, as specified in ISO 8601-1:2019 for the week calendar.
The modified command %NV specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0.
The modified command %Nw specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 1.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %Ow interprets the locale's alternative representation.
The week number of the year as a decimal number.
The first Monday of the year is the first day of week 01.
Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00.
The modified command %NW specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %OW interprets the locale's alternative representation.
The locale's date representation.
The modified command %Ex interprets the locale's alternate date representation.
The locale's time representation.
The modified command %EX interprets the locale's alternate time representation.
The last two decimal digits of the year.
If the century is not otherwise specified (e.g., with %C), values in the range [69, 99] are presumed to refer to the years 1969 to 1999, and values in the range [00, 68] are presumed to refer to the years 2000 to 2068.
The modified command %Ny specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 2.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified commands %Ey and %Oy interpret the locale's alternative representation.
The year as a decimal number.
The modified command %NY specifies the maximum number of characters to read.
If N is not specified, the default is 4.
Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.
The modified command %EY interprets the locale's alternative representation.
The offset from UTC in the format [+|-]hh[mm].
For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC, and 04 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC.
The modified commands %Ez and %Oz parse a : between the hours and minutes and render leading zeroes on the hour field optional: [+|-]h[h][:mm].
For example -04:30 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC, and 4 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC.
The time zone abbreviation or name.
A single word is parsed.
This word can only contain characters from the basic character set ([lex.charset]) that are alphanumeric, or one of '_', '/', '-', or '+'.
A % character is extracted.