29 Time library [time]

29.8 The civil calendar [time.cal]

29.8.5 Class year [time.cal.year] Member functions [time.cal.year.members]

constexpr explicit year(int y) noexcept;
Effects: Initializes y_ with y.
The value held is unspecified if y is not in the range [-32767, 32767].
constexpr year& operator++() noexcept;
Effects: ++y_.
Returns: *this.
constexpr year operator++(int) noexcept;
Effects: ++(*this).
Returns: A copy of *this as it existed on entry to this member function.
constexpr year& operator--() noexcept;
Effects: --y_.
Returns: *this.
constexpr year operator--(int) noexcept;
Effects: --(*this).
Returns: A copy of *this as it existed on entry to this member function.
constexpr year& operator+=(const years& y) noexcept;
Effects: *this = *this + y.
Returns: *this.
constexpr year& operator-=(const years& y) noexcept;
Effects: *this = *this - y.
Returns: *this.
constexpr year operator+() const noexcept;
Returns: *this.
constexpr year operator-() const noexcept;
Returns: year{-y_}.
constexpr bool is_leap() const noexcept;
Returns: y_ % 4 == 0 && (y_ % 100 != 0 || y_ % 400 == 0).
constexpr explicit operator int() const noexcept;
Returns: y_.
constexpr bool ok() const noexcept;
Returns: min().y_ <= y_ && y_ <= max().y_.
static constexpr year min() noexcept;
Returns: year{-32767}.
static constexpr year max() noexcept;
Returns: year{32767}.