22 General utilities library [utilities]
namespace std {
template<class T, class E>
class expected {
using value_type = T;
using error_type = E;
using unexpected_type = unexpected<E>;
template<class U>
using rebind = expected<U, error_type>;
constexpr expected();
constexpr expected(const expected&);
constexpr expected(expected&&) noexcept(see below);
template<class U, class G>
constexpr explicit(see below) expected(const expected<U, G>&);
template<class U, class G>
constexpr explicit(see below) expected(expected<U, G>&&);
template<class U = T>
constexpr explicit(see below) expected(U&& v);
template<class G>
constexpr explicit(see below) expected(const unexpected<G>&);
template<class G>
constexpr explicit(see below) expected(unexpected<G>&&);
template<class... Args>
constexpr explicit expected(in_place_t, Args&&...);
template<class U, class... Args>
constexpr explicit expected(in_place_t, initializer_list<U>, Args&&...);
template<class... Args>
constexpr explicit expected(unexpect_t, Args&&...);
template<class U, class... Args>
constexpr explicit expected(unexpect_t, initializer_list<U>, Args&&...);
constexpr ~expected();
constexpr expected& operator=(const expected&);
constexpr expected& operator=(expected&&) noexcept(see below);
template<class U = T> constexpr expected& operator=(U&&);
template<class G>
constexpr expected& operator=(const unexpected<G>&);
template<class G>
constexpr expected& operator=(unexpected<G>&&);
template<class... Args>
constexpr T& emplace(Args&&...) noexcept;
template<class U, class... Args>
constexpr T& emplace(initializer_list<U>, Args&&...) noexcept;
constexpr void swap(expected&) noexcept(see below);
friend constexpr void swap(expected& x, expected& y) noexcept(noexcept(x.swap(y)));
constexpr const T* operator->() const noexcept;
constexpr T* operator->() noexcept;
constexpr const T& operator*() const & noexcept;
constexpr T& operator*() & noexcept;
constexpr const T&& operator*() const && noexcept;
constexpr T&& operator*() && noexcept;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
constexpr bool has_value() const noexcept;
constexpr const T& value() const &;
constexpr T& value() &;
constexpr const T&& value() const &&;
constexpr T&& value() &&;
constexpr const E& error() const & noexcept;
constexpr E& error() & noexcept;
constexpr const E&& error() const && noexcept;
constexpr E&& error() && noexcept;
template<class U> constexpr T value_or(U&&) const &;
template<class U> constexpr T value_or(U&&) &&;
template<class G = E> constexpr E error_or(G&&) const &;
template<class G = E> constexpr E error_or(G&&) &&;
template<class F> constexpr auto and_then(F&& f) &;
template<class F> constexpr auto and_then(F&& f) &&;
template<class F> constexpr auto and_then(F&& f) const &;
template<class F> constexpr auto and_then(F&& f) const &&;
template<class F> constexpr auto or_else(F&& f) &;
template<class F> constexpr auto or_else(F&& f) &&;
template<class F> constexpr auto or_else(F&& f) const &;
template<class F> constexpr auto or_else(F&& f) const &&;
template<class F> constexpr auto transform(F&& f) &;
template<class F> constexpr auto transform(F&& f) &&;
template<class F> constexpr auto transform(F&& f) const &;
template<class F> constexpr auto transform(F&& f) const &&;
template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) &;
template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) &&;
template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) const &;
template<class F> constexpr auto transform_error(F&& f) const &&;
template<class T2, class E2> requires (!is_void_v<T2>)
friend constexpr bool operator==(const expected& x, const expected<T2, E2>& y);
template<class T2>
friend constexpr bool operator==(const expected&, const T2&);
template<class E2>
friend constexpr bool operator==(const expected&, const unexpected<E2>&);
bool has_val;
union {
T val;
E unex;
Any object of type
expected<T, E> either
contains a value of type
T or
a value of type
E within its own storage
. Implementations are not permitted to use additional storage,
such as dynamic memory,
to allocate the object of type
T or the object of type
E. Member
has_val indicates whether the
expected<T, E> object
contains an object of type
T.A type
T is a
valid value type for expected,
remove_cv_t<T> is
or a complete non-array object type that is not
or a specialization of
unexpected. A program which instantiates class template
expected<T, E>
with an argument
T that is not a valid value
type for
expected is ill-formed
. A program that instantiates
the definition of the template
expected<T, E>
with a type for the
E parameter
that is not a valid template argument for
unexpected is ill-formed
T is not
cv void, it shall meet
Cpp17Destructible requirements (Table
. E shall meet
Cpp17Destructible requirements