29 Numerics library [numerics]

29.10 Data-parallel types [simd]

29.10.7 basic_simd non-member operations [simd.nonmembers] basic_simd load and store functions [simd.loadstore]

template<class V = see below, ranges::contiguous_range R, class... Flags> requires ranges::sized_range<R> constexpr V unchecked_load(R&& r, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class V = see below, ranges::contiguous_range R, class... Flags> requires ranges::sized_range<R> constexpr V unchecked_load(R&& r, const typename V::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class V = see below, contiguous_iterator I, class... Flags> constexpr V unchecked_load(I first, iter_difference_t<I> n, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class V = see below, contiguous_iterator I, class... Flags> constexpr V unchecked_load(I first, iter_difference_t<I> n, const typename V::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class V = see below, contiguous_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<I> S, class... Flags> constexpr V unchecked_load(I first, S last, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class V = see below, contiguous_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<I> S, class... Flags> constexpr V unchecked_load(I first, S last, const typename V::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {});
  • mask be V​::​mask_type(true) for the overloads with no mask parameter;
  • R be span<const iter_value_t<I>> for the overloads with no template parameter R;
  • r be R(first, n) for the overloads with an n parameter and R(first, last) for the overloads with a last parameter.
Mandates: If ranges​::​size(r) is a constant expression then ranges​::​size(r)  ≥  V​::​size().
  • [first, first + n) is a valid range for the overloads with an n parameter.
  • [first, last) is a valid range for the overloads with a last parameter.
  • ranges​::​size(r)  ≥  V​::​size()
Effects: Equivalent to: return partial_load<V>(r, mask, f);
Remarks: The default argument for template parameter V is basic_simd<ranges​::​range_value_t<R>>.
template<class V = see below, ranges::contiguous_range R, class... Flags> requires ranges::sized_range<R> constexpr V partial_load(R&& r, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class V = see below, ranges::contiguous_range R, class... Flags> requires ranges::sized_range<R> constexpr V partial_load(R&& r, const typename V::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class V = see below, contiguous_iterator I, class... Flags> constexpr V partial_load(I first, iter_difference_t<I> n, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class V = see below, contiguous_iterator I, class... Flags> constexpr V partial_load(I first, iter_difference_t<I> n, const typename V::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class V = see below, contiguous_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<I> S, class... Flags> constexpr V partial_load(I first, S last, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class V = see below, contiguous_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<I> S, class... Flags> constexpr V partial_load(I first, S last, const typename V::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {});
  • mask be V​::​mask_type(true) for the overloads with no mask parameter;
  • R be span<const iter_value_t<I>> for the overloads with no template parameter R;
  • r be R(first, n) for the overloads with an n parameter and R(first, last) for the overloads with a last parameter.
  • ranges​::​range_value_t<R> is a vectorizable type,
  • same_as<remove_cvref_t<V>, V> is true,
  • V is an enabled specialization of basic_simd, and
  • if the template parameter pack Flags does not contain convert-flag, then the conversion from ranges​::​range_value_t<R> to V​::​value_type is value-preserving.
  • [first, first + n) is a valid range for the overloads with an n parameter.
  • [first, last) is a valid range for the overloads with a last parameter.
  • If the template parameter pack Flags contains aligned-flag, ranges​::​data(r) points to storage aligned by alignment_v<V, ranges​::​range_value_t<R>>.
  • If the template parameter pack Flags contains overaligned-flag<N>, ranges​::​data(r) points to storage aligned by N.
Effects: Initializes the element with
mask[i] && i < ranges​::​size(r) ? static_cast<T>(​ranges​::​data(r)[i]) : T() for all i in the range of [0, V​::​size()).
Remarks: The default argument for template parameter V is basic_simd<ranges​::​range_value_t<R>>.
template<class T, class Abi, ranges::contiguous_range R, class... Flags> requires ranges::sized_range<R> && indirectly_writable<ranges::iterator_t<R>, T> constexpr void unchecked_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, R&& r, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class T, class Abi, ranges::contiguous_range R, class... Flags> requires ranges::sized_range<R> && indirectly_writable<ranges::iterator_t<R>, T> constexpr void unchecked_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, R&& r, const typename basic_simd<T, Abi>::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class T, class Abi, contiguous_iterator I, class... Flags> requires indirectly_writable<I, T> constexpr void unchecked_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, I first, iter_difference_t<I> n, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class T, class Abi, contiguous_iterator I, class... Flags> requires indirectly_writable<I, T> constexpr void unchecked_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, I first, iter_difference_t<I> n, const typename basic_simd<T, Abi>::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class T, class Abi, contiguous_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<I> S, class... Flags> requires indirectly_writable<I, T> constexpr void unchecked_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, I first, S last, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class T, class Abi, contiguous_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<I> S, class... Flags> requires indirectly_writable<I, T> constexpr void unchecked_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, I first, S last, const typename basic_simd<T, Abi>::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {});
  • mask be basic_simd<T, Abi>​::​mask_type(true) for the overloads with no mask parameter;
  • R be span<iter_value_t<I>> for the overloads with no template parameter R;
  • r be R(first, n) for the overloads with an n parameter and R(first, last) for the overloads with a last parameter.
Mandates: If ranges​::​size(r) is a constant expression then ranges​::​size(r)  ≥  simd-size-v<T, Abi>.
  • [first, first + n) is a valid range for the overloads with an n parameter.
  • [first, last) is a valid range for the overloads with a last parameter.
  • ranges​::​size(r)  ≥  simd-size-v<T, Abi>
Effects: Equivalent to: partial_store(v, r, mask, f).
template<class T, class Abi, ranges::contiguous_range R, class... Flags> requires ranges::sized_range<R> && indirectly_writable<ranges::iterator_t<R>, T> constexpr void partial_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, R&& r, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class T, class Abi, ranges::contiguous_range R, class... Flags> requires ranges::sized_range<R> && indirectly_writable<ranges::iterator_t<R>, T> constexpr void partial_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, R&& r, const typename basic_simd<T, Abi>::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class T, class Abi, contiguous_iterator I, class... Flags> requires indirectly_writable<I, T> constexpr void partial_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, I first, iter_difference_t<I> n, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class T, class Abi, contiguous_iterator I, class... Flags> requires indirectly_writable<I, T> constexpr void partial_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, I first, iter_difference_t<I> n, const typename basic_simd<T, Abi>::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class T, class Abi, contiguous_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<I> S, class... Flags> requires indirectly_writable<I, T> constexpr void partial_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, I first, S last, flags<Flags...> f = {}); template<class T, class Abi, contiguous_iterator I, sized_sentinel_for<I> S, class... Flags> requires indirectly_writable<I, T> constexpr void partial_store(const basic_simd<T, Abi>& v, I first, S last, const typename basic_simd<T, Abi>::mask_type& mask, flags<Flags...> f = {});
  • mask be basic_simd<T, Abi>​::​mask_type(true) for the overloads with no mask parameter;
  • R be span<iter_value_t<I>> for the overloads with no template parameter R;
  • r be R(first, n) for the overloads with an n parameter and R(first, last) for the overloads with a last parameter.
  • ranges​::​range_value_t<R> is a vectorizable type, and
  • if the template parameter pack Flags does not contain convert-flag, then the conversion from T to ranges​::​range_value_t<R> is value-preserving.
  • [first, first + n) is a valid range for the overloads with an n parameter.
  • [first, last) is a valid range for the overloads with a last parameter.
  • If the template parameter pack Flags contains aligned-flag, ranges​::​data(r) points to storage aligned by alignment_v<basic_simd<T, Abi>, ranges​::​range_value_t<R>>.
  • If the template parameter pack Flags contains overaligned-flag<N>, ranges​::​data(r) points to storage aligned by N.
Effects: For all i in the range of [0, basic_simd<T, Abi>​::​size()), if mask[i] && i < ranges​::​​size(r) is true, evaluates ranges​::​data(r)[i] = v[i].