29 Numerics library [numerics]

29.10 Data-parallel types [simd]

29.10.7 basic_simd non-member operations [simd.nonmembers] simd complex math [simd.complex.math]

template<simd-complex V> constexpr rebind_t<simd-complex-value-type<V>, V> real(const V&) noexcept; template<simd-complex V> constexpr rebind_t<simd-complex-value-type<V>, V> imag(const V&) noexcept; template<simd-complex V> constexpr rebind_t<simd-complex-value-type<V>, V> abs(const V&); template<simd-complex V> constexpr rebind_t<simd-complex-value-type<V>, V> arg(const V&); template<simd-complex V> constexpr rebind_t<simd-complex-value-type<V>, V> norm(const V&); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V conj(const V&); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V proj(const V&); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V exp(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V log(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V log10(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V sqrt(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V sin(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V asin(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V cos(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V acos(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V tan(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V atan(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V sinh(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V asinh(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V cosh(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V acosh(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V tanh(const V& v); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V atanh(const V& v);
Returns: A basic_simd object ret where the element is initialized to the result of cmplx-func(v[i]) for all i in the range [0, V​::​size()), where cmplx-func is the corresponding function from <complex>.
If in an invocation of cmplx-func for index i a domain, pole, or range error would occur, the value of ret[i] is unspecified.
Remarks: It is unspecified whether errno ([errno]) is accessed.
template<simd-floating-point V> rebind_t<complex<typename V::value_type>, V> polar(const V& x, const V& y = {}); template<simd-complex V> constexpr V pow(const V& x, const V& y);
Returns: A basic_simd object ret where the element is initialized to the result of cmplx-func(x[i], y[i]) for all i in the range [0, V​::​size()), where cmplx-func is the corresponding function from <complex>.
If in an invocation of cmplx-func for index i a domain, pole, or range error would occur, the value of ret[i] is unspecified.
Remarks: It is unspecified whether errno ([errno]) is accessed.