10 Ranges library [ranges]

10.4 Range access [range.access]

10.4.4 cend [range.access.cend]

The name cend denotes a customization point object ([customization.point.object]). The expression ranges::cend(E) for some subexpression E of type T is expression-equivalent to ranges::end(static_cast<const T&>(E)).

Use of ranges::cend(E) with rvalue E is deprecated. [ Note: This deprecated usage exists so that ranges::cend(E) behaves similarly to std::cend(E) as defined in ISO/IEC 14882 when E is an rvalue.  — end note ]

Note: Whenever ranges::cend(E) is a valid expression, the types of ranges::cend(E) and ranges::cbegin(E) satisfy Sentinel.  — end note ]