19 Socket iostreams [socket.iostreams]

19.2 Class template basic_socket_iostream [socket.iostream]

The class template basic_socket_iostream<Protocol, Clock, WaitTraits> supports reading and writing on sockets. It uses a basic_socket_streambuf<Protocol, Clock, WaitTraits> object to control the associated sequences.

Note: This class is intended for sending and receiving bytes, not characters. Any conversion from characters to bytes, and vice versa, occurs elsewhere.  — end note ]

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
namespace net {
inline namespace v1 {

  template<class Protocol, class Clock, class WaitTraits>
  class basic_socket_iostream : public basic_iostream<char>
    // types:

    using protocol_type = Protocol;
    using endpoint_type = typename protocol_type::endpoint;
    using clock_type = Clock;
    using time_point = typename clock_type::time_point;
    using duration = typename clock_type::duration;
    using wait_traits_type = WaitTraits;

    // [socket.iostream.cons], construct / copy / destroy:

    explicit basic_socket_iostream(basic_stream_socket<protocol_type> s);
    basic_socket_iostream(const basic_socket_iostream&) = delete;
    basic_socket_iostream(basic_socket_iostream&& rhs);
    template<class... Args>
      explicit basic_socket_iostream(Args&&... args);

    basic_socket_iostream& operator=(const basic_socket_iostream&) = delete;
    basic_socket_iostream& operator=(basic_socket_iostream&& rhs);

    // [socket.iostream.members], members:

    template<class... Args> void connect(Args&&... args);

    void close();

    basic_socket_streambuf<protocol_type, clock_type, wait_traits_type>* rdbuf() const;

    basic_socket<protocol_type>& socket();
    error_code error() const;

    time_point expiry() const;
    void expires_at(const time_point& t);
    void expires_after(const duration& d);

    basic_socket_streambuf<protocol_type, clock_type, wait_traits_type> sb_; // exposition only

} // inline namespace v1
} // namespace net
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

Instances of class template basic_socket_iostream meet the requirements of Destructible (C++ 2014 [destructible]), MoveConstructible (C++ 2014 [moveconstructible]), and MoveAssignable (C++ 2014 [moveassignable]).

19.2.1 basic_socket_iostream constructors [socket.iostream.cons]


Effects: Initializes the base class as basic_iostream<char>(&sb_), value-initializes sb_, and performs setf(std::ios_base::unitbuf).

explicit basic_socket_iostream(basic_stream_socket<protocol_type> s);

Effects: Initializes the base class as basic_iostream<char>(&sb_), initializes sb_ with std::move(s), and performs setf(std::ios_base::unitbuf).

basic_socket_iostream(basic_socket_iostream&& rhs);

Effects: Move constructs from the rvalue rhs. This is accomplished by move constructing the base class, and the contained basic_socket_streambuf. Next basic_iostream<char>::set_rdbuf(&sb_) is called to install the contained basic_socket_streambuf.

template<class... Args> explicit basic_socket_iostream(Args&&... args);

Effects: Initializes the base class as basic_iostream<char>(&sb_), value-initializes sb_, and performs setf(std::ios_base::unitbuf). Then calls rdbuf()->connect(forward<Args>(args)...). If that function returns a null pointer, calls setstate(failbit).

basic_socket_iostream& operator=(basic_socket_iostream&& rhs);

Effects: Move assigns the base and members of *this from the base and corresponding members of rhs.

Returns: *this.

19.2.2 basic_socket_iostream members [socket.iostream.members]

template<class... Args> void connect(Args&&... args);

Effects: Calls rdbuf()->connect(forward<Args>(args)...). If that function returns a null pointer, calls setstate(failbit) (which may throw ios_base::failure).

void close();

Effects: Calls rdbuf()->close(). If that function returns a null pointer, calls setstate(failbit) (which may throw ios_base::failure).

basic_socket_streambuf<protocol_type, clock_type, wait_traits_type>* rdbuf() const;

Let SB be the type basic_socket_streambuf<protocol_type, clock_type, wait_traits_type>.

Returns: const_cast<SB*>(addressof(sb_)).

basic_socket<protocol_type>& socket();

Returns: rdbuf()->socket().

error_code error() const;

Returns: rdbuf()->error().

time_point expiry() const;

Returns: rdbuf()->expiry().

void expires_at(const time_point& t);

Effects: Equivalent to rdbuf()->expires_at(t).

void expires_after(const duration& d);

Effects: Equivalent to rdbuf()->expires_after(d).