18 Sockets [socket]

18.9 Class template basic_socket_acceptor [socket.acceptor]

18.9.4 basic_socket_acceptor operations [socket.acceptor.ops]

executor_type get_executor() noexcept;

Returns: The associated executor.

native_handle_type native_handle();

Returns: The native representation of this acceptor.

void open(const protocol_type& protocol); void open(const protocol_type& protocol, error_code& ec);

Effects: Establishes the postcondition, as if by POSIX:

socket(protocol.family(), protocol.type(), protocol.protocol());


  • is_open() == true.

  • non_blocking() == false.

  • enable_connection_aborted() == false.

  • protocol_ == protocol.

Error conditions:

  • socket_errc::already_open — if is_open() is true.

void assign(const protocol_type& protocol, const native_handle_type& native_acceptor); void assign(const protocol_type& protocol, const native_handle_type& native_acceptor, error_code& ec);

Requires: native_acceptor is a native handle to an open acceptor.

Effects: Assigns the native acceptor handle to this acceptor object.


  • is_open() == true.

  • non_blocking() == false.

  • enable_connection_aborted() == false.

  • protocol_ == protocol.

Error conditions:

  • socket_errc::already_open — if is_open() is true.

native_handle_type release(); native_handle_type release(error_code& ec);

Requires: is_open() == true.

Effects: Cancels all outstanding asynchronous operations associated with this acceptor. Completion handlers for canceled asynchronous operations are passed an error code ec such that ec == errc::operation_canceled yields true.

Returns: The native representation of this acceptor.

Postconditions: is_open() == false.

Remarks: Since the native acceptor is not closed prior to returning it, the caller is responsible for closing it.

bool is_open() const noexcept;

Returns: A bool indicating whether this acceptor was opened by a previous call to open or assign.

void close(); void close(error_code& ec);

Effects: If is_open() is true, cancels all outstanding asynchronous operations associated with this acceptor, and establishes the postcondition as if by POSIX close(native_handle()). Completion handlers for canceled asynchronous operations are passed an error code ec such that ec == errc::operation_canceled yields true.

Postconditions: is_open() == false.

void cancel(); void cancel(error_code& ec);

Effects: Cancels all outstanding asynchronous operations associated with this acceptor. Completion handlers for canceled asynchronous operations are passed an error code ec such that ec == errc::operation_canceled yields true.

Error conditions:

  • errc::bad_file_descriptor — if is_open() is false.

  • errc::operation_not_supported — current conditions do not permit cancelation. The conditions under which cancelation of asynchronous operations is permitted are implementation-defined.

template<class SettableSocketOption> void set_option(const SettableSocketOption& option); template<class SettableSocketOption> void set_option(const SettableSocketOption& option, error_code& ec);

Effects: Sets an option on this acceptor, as if by POSIX:

setsockopt(native_handle(), option.level(protocol_), option.name(protocol_),
           option.data(protocol_), option.size(protocol_));

template<class GettableSocketOption> void get_option(GettableSocketOption& option); template<class GettableSocketOption> void get_option(GettableSocketOption& option, error_code& ec);

Effects: Gets an option from this acceptor, as if by POSIX:

socklen_t option_len = option.size(protocol_);
int result = getsockopt(native_handle(), option.level(protocol_),
                        option.name(protocol_), option.data(protocol_),
if (result == 0)

template<class IoControlCommand> void io_control(IoControlCommand& command); template<class IoControlCommand> void io_control(IoControlCommand& command, error_code& ec);

Effects: Executes an I/O control command on this acceptor, as if by POSIX:

ioctl(native_handle(), command.name(), command.data());

void non_blocking(bool mode); void non_blocking(bool mode, error_code& ec);

Effects: Sets the non-blocking mode of this acceptor. The non-blocking mode determines whether subsequent synchronous socket operations ([socket.reqmts.sync]) on *this block the calling thread.

Error conditions:

  • errc::bad_file_descriptor — if is_open() is false.

Postconditions: non_blocking() == mode.

Note: The non-blocking mode has no effect on the behavior of asynchronous operations.  — end note ]

bool non_blocking() const;

Returns: The non-blocking mode of this acceptor.

void native_non_blocking(bool mode); void native_non_blocking(bool mode, error_code& ec);

Effects: Sets the non-blocking mode of the underlying native acceptor, as if by POSIX:

int flags = fcntl(native_handle(), F_GETFL, 0);
if (flags >= 0){
  if (mode)
    flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
    flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
  fcntl(native_handle(), F_SETFL, flags);

The native non-blocking mode has no effect on the behavior of the synchronous or asynchronous operations specified in this clause.

Error conditions:

  • errc::bad_file_descriptor — if is_open() is false.

  • errc::invalid_argument — if mode == false and non_blocking() == true. [ Note: As the combination does not make sense.  — end note ]

bool native_non_blocking() const;

Returns: The non-blocking mode of the underlying native acceptor.

Remarks: Implementations are permitted and encouraged to cache the native non-blocking mode that was applied through a prior call to native_non_blocking. Implementations may return an incorrect value if a program sets the non-blocking mode directly on the acceptor, by calling an operating system-specific function on the result of native_handle().

void bind(const endpoint_type& endpoint); void bind(const endpoint_type& endpoint, error_code& ec);

Effects: Binds this acceptor to the specified local endpoint, as if by POSIX:

bind(native_handle(), endpoint.data(), endpoint.size());

void listen(int backlog = socket_base::max_listen_connections); void listen(int backlog, error_code& ec);

Effects: Marks this acceptor as ready to accept connections, as if by POSIX:

listen(native_handle(), backlog);

endpoint_type local_endpoint() const; endpoint_type local_endpoint(error_code& ec) const;

Effects: Determines the locally-bound endpoint associated with this acceptor, as if by POSIX:

endpoint_type endpoint;
socklen_t endpoint_len = endpoint.capacity();
int result = getsockname(native_handle(), endpoint.data(), &endpoint_len);
if (result == 0)

Returns: On success, endpoint. Otherwise endpoint_type().

void enable_connection_aborted(bool mode);

Effects: If mode is true, subsequent synchronous or asynchronous accept operations on this acceptor are permitted to fail with error condition errc::connection_aborted. If mode is false, subsequent accept operations will not fail with errc::connection_aborted. [ Note: If mode is false, the implementation will restart the call to POSIX accept if it fails with ECONNABORTED.  — end note ]

Error conditions:

  • errc::bad_file_descriptor — if is_open() is false.

bool enable_connection_aborted() const;

Returns: Whether accept operations on this acceptor are permitted to fail with errc::connection_aborted.

socket_type accept(); socket_type accept(error_code& ec);

Returns: accept(get_executor().context(), ec).

socket_type accept(io_context& ctx); socket_type accept(io_context& ctx, error_code& ec);

Effects: Extracts a socket from the queue of pending connections of the acceptor, as if by POSIX:

native_handle_type h = accept(native_handle(), nullptr, 0);

Returns: On success, socket_type(ctx, protocol_, h). Otherwise socket_type(ctx).

template<class CompletionToken> DEDUCED async_accept(CompletionToken&& token);


async_accept(get_executor().context(), forward<CompletionToken>(token))

template<class CompletionToken> DEDUCED async_accept(io_context& ctx, CompletionToken&& token);

Completion signature: void(error_code ec, socket_type s).

Effects: Initiates an asynchronous operation to extract a socket from the queue of pending connections of the acceptor, as if by POSIX:

native_handle_type h = accept(native_handle(), nullptr, 0);

On success, s is socket_type(ctx, protocol_, h). Otherwise, s is socket_type(ctx).

socket_type accept(endpoint_type& endpoint); socket_type accept(endpoint_type& endpoint, error_code& ec);

Returns: accept(get_executor().context(), endpoint, ec).

socket_type accept(io_context& ctx, endpoint_type& endpoint); socket_type accept(io_context& ctx, endpoint_type& endpoint, error_code& ec);

Effects: Extracts a socket from the queue of pending connections of the acceptor, as if by POSIX:

socklen_t endpoint_len = endpoint.capacity();
native_handle_type h = accept(native_handle(),
if (h >= 0)

Returns: On success, socket_type(ctx, protocol_, h). Otherwise socket_type(ctx).

template<class CompletionToken> DEDUCED async_accept(endpoint_type& endpoint, CompletionToken&& token);


async_accept(get_executor().context(), endpoint, forward<CompletionToken>(token))

template<class CompletionToken> DEDUCED async_accept(io_context& ctx, endpoint_type& endpoint, CompletionToken&& token);

Completion signature: void(error_code ec, socket_type s).

Effects: Initiates an asynchronous operation to extract a socket from the queue of pending connections of the acceptor, as if by POSIX:

socklen_t endpoint_len = endpoint.capacity();
native_handle_type h = accept(native_handle(),
if (h >= 0)

On success, s is socket_type(ctx, protocol_, h). Otherwise, s is socket_type(ctx).

void wait(wait_type w); void wait(wait_type w, error_code& ec);

Effects: Waits for the acceptor to have a queued incoming connection, or to have error conditions pending, as if by POSIX poll.

template<class CompletionToken> DEDUCED async_wait(wait_type w, CompletionToken&& token);

Completion signature: void(error_code ec).

Effects: Initiates an asynchronous operation to wait for the acceptor to have a queued incoming connection, or to have error conditions pending, as if by POSIX poll.

When multiple asynchronous wait operations are initiated with the same wait_type value, all outstanding operations complete when the acceptor enters the corresponding ready state. The order of invocation of the completions handlers for these operations is unspecified.

Error conditions:

  • errc::bad_file_descriptor — if is_open() is false.