22 General utilities library [utilities]

22.6 Variants [variant]

22.6.6 Relational operators [variant.relops]

template<class... Types> constexpr bool operator==(const variant<Types...>& v, const variant<Types...>& w);
Mandates: get<i>(v) == get<i>(w) is a valid expression that is convertible to bool, for all i.
Returns: If v.index() != w.index(), false; otherwise if v.valueless_by_exception(), true; otherwise get<i>(v) == get<i>(w) with i being v.index().
template<class... Types> constexpr bool operator!=(const variant<Types...>& v, const variant<Types...>& w);
Mandates: get<i>(v) != get<i>(w) is a valid expression that is convertible to bool, for all i.
Returns: If v.index() != w.index(), true; otherwise if v.valueless_by_exception(), false; otherwise get<i>(v) != get<i>(w) with i being v.index().
template<class... Types> constexpr bool operator<(const variant<Types...>& v, const variant<Types...>& w);
Mandates: get<i>(v) < get<i>(w) is a valid expression that is convertible to bool, for all i.
Returns: If w.valueless_by_exception(), false; otherwise if v.valueless_by_exception(), true; otherwise, if v.index() < w.index(), true; otherwise if v.index() > w.index(), false; otherwise get<i>(v) < get<i>(w) with i being v.index().
template<class... Types> constexpr bool operator>(const variant<Types...>& v, const variant<Types...>& w);
Mandates: get<i>(v) > get<i>(w) is a valid expression that is convertible to bool, for all i.
Returns: If v.valueless_by_exception(), false; otherwise if w.valueless_by_exception(), true; otherwise, if v.index() > w.index(), true; otherwise if v.index() < w.index(), false; otherwise get<i>(v) > get<i>(w) with i being v.index().
template<class... Types> constexpr bool operator<=(const variant<Types...>& v, const variant<Types...>& w);
Mandates: get<i>(v) <= get<i>(w) is a valid expression that is convertible to bool, for all i.
Returns: If v.valueless_by_exception(), true; otherwise if w.valueless_by_exception(), false; otherwise, if v.index() < w.index(), true; otherwise if v.index() > w.index(), false; otherwise get<i>(v) <= get<i>(w) with i being v.index().
template<class... Types> constexpr bool operator>=(const variant<Types...>& v, const variant<Types...>& w);
Mandates: get<i>(v) >= get<i>(w) is a valid expression that is convertible to bool, for all i.
Returns: If w.valueless_by_exception(), true; otherwise if v.valueless_by_exception(), false; otherwise, if v.index() > w.index(), true; otherwise if v.index() < w.index(), false; otherwise get<i>(v) >= get<i>(w) with i being v.index().
template<class... Types> requires (three_way_comparable<Types> && ...) constexpr common_comparison_category_t<compare_three_way_result_t<Types>...> operator<=>(const variant<Types...>& v, const variant<Types...>& w);
Effects: Equivalent to: if (v.valueless_by_exception() && w.valueless_by_exception()) return strong_ordering::equal; if (v.valueless_by_exception()) return strong_ordering::less; if (w.valueless_by_exception()) return strong_ordering::greater; if (auto c = v.index() <=> w.index(); c != 0) return c; return get<i>(v) <=> get<i>(w); with i being v.index().