20 General utilities library [utilities]

20.17 Class type_­index [type.index]

20.17.2 type_­index overview [type.index.overview]

namespace std {
  class type_index {
    type_index(const type_info& rhs) noexcept;
    bool operator==(const type_index& rhs) const noexcept;
    bool operator< (const type_index& rhs) const noexcept;
    bool operator> (const type_index& rhs) const noexcept;
    bool operator<=(const type_index& rhs) const noexcept;
    bool operator>=(const type_index& rhs) const noexcept;
    strong_ordering operator<=>(const type_index& rhs) const noexcept;
    size_t hash_code() const noexcept;
    const char* name() const noexcept;

    const type_info* target;    // exposition only
    // Note that the use of a pointer here, rather than a reference,
    // means that the default copy/move constructor and assignment
    // operators will be provided and work as expected.
The class type_­index provides a simple wrapper for type_­info which can be used as an index type in associative containers and in unordered associative containers.