<algorithm> | <forward_list> | <numbers> | <string> |
<any> | <fstream> | <numeric> | <string_view> |
<array> | <functional> | <optional> | <strstream> |
<atomic> | <future> | <ostream> | <syncstream> |
<barrier> | <initializer_list> | <queue> | <system_error> |
<bit> | <iomanip> | <random> | <thread> |
<bitset> | <ios> | <ranges> | <tuple> |
<charconv> | <iosfwd> | <ratio> | <typeindex> |
<chrono> | <iostream> | <regex> | <typeinfo> |
<codecvt> | <istream> | <scoped_allocator> | <type_traits> |
<compare> | <iterator> | <semaphore> | <unordered_map> |
<complex> | <latch> | <set> | <unordered_set> |
<concepts> | <limits> | <shared_mutex> | <utility> |
<condition_variable> | <list> | <source_location> | <valarray> |
<coroutine> | <locale> | <span> | <variant> |
<deque> | <map> | <sstream> | <vector> |
<exception> | <memory> | <stack> | <version> |
<execution> | <memory_resource> | <stdexcept> | |
<filesystem> | <mutex> | <stop_token> | |
<format> | <new> | <streambuf> |
<cassert> | <cfenv> | <climits> | <csetjmp> | <cstddef> | <cstdlib> | <cuchar> |
<cctype> | <cfloat> | <clocale> | <csignal> | <cstdint> | <cstring> | <cwchar> |
<cerrno> | <cinttypes> | <cmath> | <cstdarg> | <cstdio> | <ctime> | <cwctype> |
import <vector>; // imports the <vector> header unit std::vector<int> vi; // OK— end example
abort_handler_s | mbstowcs_s | strncat_s | vswscanf_s |
asctime_s | memcpy_s | strncpy_s | vwprintf_s |
bsearch_s | memmove_s | strtok_s | vwscanf_s |
constraint_handler_t | memset_s | swprintf_s | wcrtomb_s |
ctime_s | printf_s | swscanf_s | wcscat_s |
errno_t | qsort_s | tmpfile_s | wcscpy_s |
fopen_s | RSIZE_MAX | TMP_MAX_S | wcsncat_s |
fprintf_s | rsize_t | tmpnam_s | wcsncpy_s |
freopen_s | scanf_s | vfprintf_s | wcsnlen_s |
fscanf_s | set_constraint_handler_s | vfscanf_s | wcsrtombs_s |
fwprintf_s | snprintf_s | vfwprintf_s | wcstok_s |
fwscanf_s | snwprintf_s | vfwscanf_s | wcstombs_s |
getenv_s | sprintf_s | vprintf_s | wctomb_s |
gets_s | sscanf_s | vscanf_s | wmemcpy_s |
gmtime_s | strcat_s | vsnprintf_s | wmemmove_s |
ignore_handler_s | strcpy_s | vsnwprintf_s | wprintf_s |
localtime_s | strerrorlen_s | vsprintf_s | wscanf_s |
L_tmpnam_s | strerror_s | vsscanf_s | |
mbsrtowcs_s | strlen_s | vswprintf_s |
Subclause | Header | |
Types | <cstddef> | |
Implementation properties | <cfloat>, <climits>, <limits>, <version> | |
Integer types | <cstdint> | |
Start and termination | <cstdlib> | |
Dynamic memory management | <new> | |
Type identification | <typeinfo> | |
Source location | <source_location> | |
Exception handling | <exception> | |
Initializer lists | <initializer_list> | |
Comparisons | <compare> | |
Coroutines support | <coroutine> | |
Other runtime support | <cstdarg> | |
Concepts library | <concepts> | |
Type traits | <type_traits> | |
Bit manipulation | <bit> | |
Atomics | <atomic> |