10 Modules [module]

10.4 Global module fragment [module.global.frag]

	module-keyword ; declaration-seq
Prior to phase 4 of translation, only preprocessing directives can appear in the declaration-seq ([cpp.pre]).
— end note
A global-module-fragment specifies the contents of the global module fragment for a module unit.
The global module fragment can be used to provide declarations that are attached to the global module and usable within the module unit.
A declaration D is decl-reachable from a declaration S in the same translation unit if:
  • D does not declare a function or function template and S contains an id-expression, namespace-name, type-name, template-name, or concept-name naming D, or
  • D declares a function or function template that is named by an expression ([basic.def.odr]) appearing in S, or
  • S contains an expression E of the form
    postfix-expression ( expression-list )
    whose postfix-expression denotes a dependent name, or for an operator expression whose operator denotes a dependent name, and D is found by name lookup for the corresponding name in an expression synthesized from E by replacing each type-dependent argument or operand with a value of a placeholder type with no associated namespaces or entities, or
  • S contains an expression that takes the address of an overloaded function ([over.over]) whose set of overloads contains D and for which the target type is dependent, or
  • there exists a declaration M that is not a namespace-definition for which M is decl-reachable from S and either
    • D is decl-reachable from M, or
    • D redeclares the entity declared by M or M redeclares the entity declared by D, and D is neither a friend declaration nor a block-scope declaration, or
    • D declares a namespace N and M is a member of N, or
    • one of M and D declares a class or class template C and the other declares a member or friend of C, or
    • one of D and M declares an enumeration E and the other declares an enumerator of E, or
    • D declares a function or variable and M is declared in D,99 or
    • one of M and D declares a template and the other declares a partial or explicit specialization or an implicit or explicit instantiation of that template, or
    • one of M and D declares a class or enumeration type and the other introduces a typedef name for linkage purposes for that type.
In this determination, it is unspecified
  • whether a reference to an alias-declaration, typedef declaration, using-declaration, or namespace-alias-declaration is replaced by the declarations they name prior to this determination,
  • whether a simple-template-id that does not denote a dependent type and whose template-name names an alias template is replaced by its denoted type prior to this determination,
  • whether a decltype-specifier that does not denote a dependent type is replaced by its denoted type prior to this determination, and
  • whether a non-value-dependent constant expression is replaced by the result of constant evaluation prior to this determination.
A declaration D in a global module fragment of a module unit is discarded if D is not decl-reachable from any declaration in the declaration-seq of the translation-unit.
A discarded declaration is neither reachable nor visible to name lookup outside the module unit, nor in template instantiations whose points of instantiation ([temp.point]) are outside the module unit, even when the instantiation context ([module.context]) includes the module unit.
— end note
const int size = 2;
int ary1[size];                 // unspecified whether size is decl-reachable from ary1
constexpr int identity(int x) { return x; }
int ary2[identity(2)];          // unspecified whether identity is decl-reachable from ary2

template<typename> struct S;
template<typename, int> struct S2;
constexpr int g(int);

template<typename T, int N>
S<S2<T, g(N)>> f();             // S, S2, g, and ​::​ are decl-reachable from f

template<int N>
void h() noexcept(g(N) == N);   // g and ​::​ are decl-reachable from h
— end example

Source file "foo.h":

namespace N {
  struct X {};
  int d();
  int e();
  inline int f(X, int = d()) { return e(); }
  int g(X);
  int h(X);

Module M interface:

#include "foo.h"
export module M;
template<typename T> int use_f() {
  N::X x;                       // N​::​X, N, and ​::​ are decl-reachable from use_­f
  return f(x, 123);             // N​::​f is decl-reachable from use_­f,
                                // N​::​e is indirectly decl-reachable from use_­f
                                //   because it is decl-reachable from N​::​f, and
                                // N​::​d is decl-reachable from use_­f
                                //   because it is decl-reachable from N​::​f
                                //   even though it is not used in this call
template<typename T> int use_g() {
  N::X x;                       // N​::​X, N, and ​::​ are decl-reachable from use_­g
  return g((T(), x));           // N​::​g is not decl-reachable from use_­g
template<typename T> int use_h() {
  N::X x;                       // N​::​X, N, and ​::​ are decl-reachable from use_­h
  return h((T(), x));           // N​::​h is not decl-reachable from use_­h, but
                                // N​::​h is decl-reachable from use_­h<int>
int k = use_h<int>();
  // use_­h<int> is decl-reachable from k, so
  // N​::​h is decl-reachable from k

Module M implementation:

module M;
int a = use_f<int>();           // OK
int b = use_g<int>();           // error: no viable function for call to g;
                                // g is not decl-reachable from purview of
                                // module M's interface, so is discarded
int c = use_h<int>();           // OK
— end example
A declaration can appear within a lambda-expression in the initializer of a variable.