32 Thread support library [thread]

32.9 Futures [futures]

32.9.2 Header <future> synopsis [future.syn]

namespace std {
  enum class future_errc {
    broken_promise = implementation-defined,
    future_already_retrieved = implementation-defined,
    promise_already_satisfied = implementation-defined,
    no_state = implementation-defined

  enum class launch : unspecified {
    async = unspecified,
    deferred = unspecified,

  enum class future_status {

  template<> struct is_error_code_enum<future_errc> : public true_type { };
  error_code make_error_code(future_errc e) noexcept;
  error_condition make_error_condition(future_errc e) noexcept;

  const error_category& future_category() noexcept;

  class future_error;

  template<class R> class promise;
  template<class R> class promise<R&>;
  template<> class promise<void>;

  template<class R>
    void swap(promise<R>& x, promise<R>& y) noexcept;

  template<class R, class Alloc>
    struct uses_allocator<promise<R>, Alloc>;

  template<class R> class future;
  template<class R> class future<R&>;
  template<> class future<void>;

  template<class R> class shared_future;
  template<class R> class shared_future<R&>;
  template<> class shared_future<void>;

  template<class> class packaged_task;  // not defined
  template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
    class packaged_task<R(ArgTypes...)>;

  template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
    void swap(packaged_task<R(ArgTypes...)>&, packaged_task<R(ArgTypes...)>&) noexcept;

  template<class F, class... Args>
    [[nodiscard]] future<invoke_result_t<decay_t<F>, decay_t<Args>...>>
      async(F&& f, Args&&... args);
  template<class F, class... Args>
    [[nodiscard]] future<invoke_result_t<decay_t<F>, decay_t<Args>...>>
      async(launch policy, F&& f, Args&&... args);
The enum type launch is a bitmask type with elements launch​::​async and launch​::​deferred.
Implementations can provide bitmasks to specify restrictions on task interaction by functions launched by async() applicable to a corresponding subset of available launch policies.
Implementations can extend the behavior of the first overload of async() by adding their extensions to the launch policy under the “as if” rule.
— end note
The enum values of future_­errc are distinct and not zero.