replacement-field: { arg-id format-specifier }
arg-id: 0 positive-integer
positive-integer: nonzero-digit positive-integer digit
nonnegative-integer: digit nonnegative-integer digit
nonzero-digit: one of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
digit: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
format-specifier: : format-spec
format-spec: as specified by the formatter specialization for the argument type
string s0 = format("{} to {}", "a", "b"); // OK, automatic indexing string s1 = format("{1} to {0}", "a", "b"); // OK, manual indexing string s2 = format("{0} to {}", "a", "b"); // not a format string (mixing automatic and manual indexing), // throws format_error string s3 = format("{} to {1}", "a", "b"); // not a format string (mixing automatic and manual indexing), // throws format_error— end example