7 Expressions [expr]

7.6 Compound expressions [expr.compound]

7.6.8 Three-way comparison operator [expr.spaceship]

The three-way comparison operator groups left-to-right.
	compare-expression <=> shift-expression
The expression p <=> q is a prvalue indicating whether p is less than, equal to, greater than, or incomparable with q.
If one of the operands is of type bool and the other is not, the program is ill-formed.
If both operands have arithmetic types, or one operand has integral type and the other operand has unscoped enumeration type, the usual arithmetic conversions are applied to the operands.
If both operands have the same enumeration type E, the operator yields the result of converting the operands to the underlying type of E and applying <=> to the converted operands.
If at least one of the operands is of pointer type and the other operand is of pointer or array type, array-to-pointer conversions ([conv.array]), pointer conversions ([conv.ptr]), and qualification conversions are performed on both operands to bring them to their composite pointer type ([expr.type]).
After the conversions, the operands shall have the same type.
If both of the operands are arrays, array-to-pointer conversions are not applied.
— end note
If the composite pointer type is an object pointer type, p <=> q is of type std​::​strong_­ordering.
If two pointer operands p and q compare equal ([expr.eq]), p <=> q yields std​::​strong_­ordering​::​equal; if p and q compare unequal, p <=> q yields std​::​strong_­ordering​::​less if q compares greater than p and std​::​strong_­ordering​::​greater if p compares greater than q ([expr.rel]).
Otherwise, the result is unspecified.
Otherwise, the program is ill-formed.
The three comparison category types ([cmp.categories]) (the types std​::​strong_­ordering, std​::​weak_­ordering, and std​::​partial_­ordering) are not predefined; if the header <compare> ([compare.syn]) is not imported or included prior to a use of such a class type – even an implicit use in which the type is not named (e.g., via the auto specifier in a defaulted three-way comparison or use of the built-in operator) – the program is ill-formed.