23 General utilities library [utilities]

23.17 Time utilities [time]

23.17.6 Class template time_­point [time.point] time_­point non-member arithmetic [time.point.nonmember]

template <class Clock, class Duration1, class Rep2, class Period2> constexpr time_point<Clock, common_type_t<Duration1, duration<Rep2, Period2>>> operator+(const time_point<Clock, Duration1>& lhs, const duration<Rep2, Period2>& rhs);

Returns: CT(lhs.time_­since_­epoch() + rhs), where CT is the type of the return value.

template <class Rep1, class Period1, class Clock, class Duration2> constexpr time_point<Clock, common_type_t<duration<Rep1, Period1>, Duration2>> operator+(const duration<Rep1, Period1>& lhs, const time_point<Clock, Duration2>& rhs);

Returns: rhs + lhs.

template <class Clock, class Duration1, class Rep2, class Period2> constexpr time_point<Clock, common_type_t<Duration1, duration<Rep2, Period2>>> operator-(const time_point<Clock, Duration1>& lhs, const duration<Rep2, Period2>& rhs);

Returns: CT(lhs.time_­since_­epoch() - rhs), where CT is the type of the return value.

template <class Clock, class Duration1, class Duration2> constexpr common_type_t<Duration1, Duration2> operator-(const time_point<Clock, Duration1>& lhs, const time_point<Clock, Duration2>& rhs);

Returns: lhs.time_­since_­epoch() - rhs.time_­since_­epoch().