29 Numerics library [numerics]

29.8 Generalized numeric operations [numeric.ops]

29.8.13 Greatest common divisor [numeric.ops.gcd]

template <class M, class N> constexpr common_type_t<M,N> gcd(M m, N n);

Requires: |m| and |n| shall be representable as a value of common_­type_­t<M, N>. [Note: These requirements ensure, for example, that gcd(m, m) = |m| is representable as a value of type M. end note]

Remarks: If either M or N is not an integer type, or if either is cv bool, the program is ill-formed.

Returns: Zero when m and n are both zero. Otherwise, returns the greatest common divisor of |m| and |n|.

Throws: Nothing.