21 Language support library [language.support]

21.8 Exception handling [support.exception]

21.8.2 Class exception [exception]

namespace std {
  class exception {
    exception() noexcept;
    exception(const exception&) noexcept;
    exception& operator=(const exception&) noexcept;
    virtual ~exception();
    virtual const char* what() const noexcept;

The class exception defines the base class for the types of objects thrown as exceptions by C++ standard library components, and certain expressions, to report errors detected during program execution.

Each standard library class T that derives from class exception shall have a publicly accessible copy constructor and a publicly accessible copy assignment operator that do not exit with an exception. These member functions shall meet the following postcondition: If two objects lhs and rhs both have dynamic type T and lhs is a copy of rhs, then strcmp(lhs.what(), rhs.what()) shall equal 0.

exception() noexcept;

Effects: Constructs an object of class exception.

exception(const exception& rhs) noexcept; exception& operator=(const exception& rhs) noexcept;

Effects: Copies an exception object.

Postconditions: If *this and rhs both have dynamic type exception then the value of the expression strcmp(what(), rhs.what()) shall equal 0.

virtual ~exception();

Effects: Destroys an object of class exception.

virtual const char* what() const noexcept;

Returns: An implementation-defined ntbs.

Remarks: The message may be a null-terminated multibyte string, suitable for conversion and display as a wstring ([string.classes], [locale.codecvt]). The return value remains valid until the exception object from which it is obtained is destroyed or a non-const member function of the exception object is called.