Annex D (normative) Compatibility features [depr]

D.6 char* streams [depr.str.strstreams]

D.6.1 Class strstreambuf [depr.strstreambuf]

D.6.1.1 strstreambuf constructors [depr.strstreambuf.cons]

explicit strstreambuf(streamsize alsize_arg = 0);

Effects: Constructs an object of class strstreambuf, initializing the base class with streambuf(). The postconditions of this function are indicated in Table 142.

Table 142strstreambuf(streamsize) effects
strmode dynamic
alsize alsize_­arg
palloc a null pointer
pfree a null pointer

strstreambuf(void* (*palloc_arg)(size_t), void (*pfree_arg)(void*));

Effects: Constructs an object of class strstreambuf, initializing the base class with streambuf(). The postconditions of this function are indicated in Table 143.

Table 143strstreambuf(void* (*)(size_­t), void (*)(void*)) effects
strmode dynamic
alsize an unspecified value
palloc palloc_­arg
pfree pfree_­arg

strstreambuf(char* gnext_arg, streamsize n, char* pbeg_arg = 0); strstreambuf(signed char* gnext_arg, streamsize n, signed char* pbeg_arg = 0); strstreambuf(unsigned char* gnext_arg, streamsize n, unsigned char* pbeg_arg = 0);

Effects: Constructs an object of class strstreambuf, initializing the base class with streambuf(). The postconditions of this function are indicated in Table 144.

Table 144strstreambuf(charT*, streamsize, charT*) effects
strmode 0
alsize an unspecified value
palloc a null pointer
pfree a null pointer

gnext_­arg shall point to the first element of an array object whose number of elements N is determined as follows:

  • If n > 0, N is n.

  • If n == 0, N is std​::​strlen(gnext_­arg).

  • If n < 0, N is INT_­MAX.331

If pbeg_­arg is a null pointer, the function executes:

setg(gnext_arg, gnext_arg, gnext_arg + N);

Otherwise, the function executes:

setg(gnext_arg, gnext_arg, pbeg_arg);
setp(pbeg_arg,  pbeg_arg + N);

strstreambuf(const char* gnext_arg, streamsize n); strstreambuf(const signed char* gnext_arg, streamsize n); strstreambuf(const unsigned char* gnext_arg, streamsize n);

Effects: Behaves the same as strstreambuf((char*)gnext_­arg,n), except that the constructor also sets constant in strmode.

virtual ~strstreambuf();

Effects: Destroys an object of class strstreambuf. The function frees the dynamically allocated array object only if (strmode & allocated) != 0 and (strmode & frozen) == 0. ([depr.strstreambuf.virtuals] describes how a dynamically allocated array object is freed.)

The function signature strlen(const char*) is declared in <cstring>. The macro INT_­MAX is defined in <climits>.