23 General utilities library [utilities]

23.13 Class template scoped_­allocator_­adaptor [allocator.adaptor]

23.13.3 Scoped allocator adaptor constructors [allocator.adaptor.cnstr]


Effects: Value-initializes the OuterAlloc base class and the inner allocator object.

template <class OuterA2> scoped_allocator_adaptor(OuterA2&& outerAlloc, const InnerAllocs&... innerAllocs) noexcept;

Effects: Initializes the OuterAlloc base class with std​::​forward<OuterA2>(outerAlloc) and inner with innerAllocs... (hence recursively initializing each allocator within the adaptor with the corresponding allocator from the argument list).

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_­constructible_­v<OuterAlloc, OuterA2> is true.

scoped_allocator_adaptor(const scoped_allocator_adaptor& other) noexcept;

Effects: Initializes each allocator within the adaptor with the corresponding allocator from other.

scoped_allocator_adaptor(scoped_allocator_adaptor&& other) noexcept;

Effects: Move constructs each allocator within the adaptor with the corresponding allocator from other.

template <class OuterA2> scoped_allocator_adaptor(const scoped_allocator_adaptor<OuterA2, InnerAllocs...>& other) noexcept;

Effects: Initializes each allocator within the adaptor with the corresponding allocator from other.

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_­constructible_­v<OuterAlloc, const OuterA2&> is true.

template <class OuterA2> scoped_allocator_adaptor(scoped_allocator_adaptor<OuterA2, InnerAllocs...>&& other) noexcept;

Effects: Initializes each allocator within the adaptor with the corresponding allocator rvalue from other.

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_­constructible_­v<OuterAlloc, OuterA2> is true.