3 Basic concepts [basic]

3.4 Name lookup [basic.lookup]

3.4.3 Qualified name lookup [basic.lookup.qual] Namespace members [namespace.qual]

If the nested-name-specifier of a qualified-id nominates a namespace (including the case where the nested-name-specifier is ::, i.e., nominating the global namespace), the name specified after the nested-name-specifier is looked up in the scope of the namespace. The names in a template-argument of a template-id are looked up in the context in which the entire postfix-expression occurs.

For a namespace X and name m, the namespace-qualified lookup set S(X, m) is defined as follows: Let S'(X, m) be the set of all declarations of m in X and the inline namespace set of X ([namespace.def]). If S'(X, m) is not empty, S(X, m) is S'(X, m); otherwise, S(X, m) is the union of S(Ni, m) for all namespaces Ni nominated by using-directives in X and its inline namespace set.

Given X::m (where X is a user-declared namespace), or given ::m (where X is the global namespace), if S(X, m) is the empty set, the program is ill-formed. Otherwise, if S(X, m) has exactly one member, or if the context of the reference is a using-declaration ([namespace.udecl]), S(X, m) is the required set of declarations of m. Otherwise if the use of m is not one that allows a unique declaration to be chosen from S(X, m), the program is ill-formed. [ Example:

int x;
namespace Y {
  void f(float);
  void h(int);

namespace Z {
  void h(double);

namespace A {
  using namespace Y;
  void f(int);
  void g(int);
  int i;

namespace B {
  using namespace Z;
  void f(char);
  int i;

namespace AB {
  using namespace A;
  using namespace B;
  void g();

void h(){
  AB::g();          // g is declared directly in AB,
                    // therefore S is { AB::g() } and AB::g() is chosen
  AB::f(1);         // f is not declared directly in AB so the rules are
                    // applied recursively to A and B;
                    // namespace Y is not searched and Y::f(float)
                    // is not considered;
                    // S is { A::f(int), B::f(char) } and overload
                    // resolution chooses A::f(int)
  AB::f('c');       // as above but resolution chooses B::f(char)

  AB::x++;          // x is not declared directly in AB, and
                    // is not declared in A or B , so the rules are
                    // applied recursively to Y and Z,
                    // S is { } so the program is ill-formed
  AB::i++;          // i is not declared directly in AB so the rules are
                    // applied recursively to A and B,
                    // S is { A::i , B::i } so the use is ambiguous
                    // and the program is ill-formed
  AB::h(16.8);      // h is not declared directly in AB and
                    // not declared directly in A or B so the rules are
                    // applied recursively to Y and Z,
                    // S is { Y::h(int), Z::h(double) } and overload
                    // resolution chooses Z::h(double)

The same declaration found more than once is not an ambiguity (because it is still a unique declaration). For example:

namespace A {
  int a;

namespace B {
  using namespace A;

namespace C {
  using namespace A;

namespace BC {
  using namespace B;
  using namespace C;

void f(){
  BC::a++;          // OK: S is { A::a, A::a }

namespace D {
  using A::a;

namespace BD {
  using namespace B;
  using namespace D;

void g(){
  BD::a++;          // OK: S is {  A::a,  A::a }

Because each referenced namespace is searched at most once, the following is well-defined:

namespace B {
  int b;

namespace A {
  using namespace B;
  int a;

namespace B {
  using namespace A;

void f(){
  A::a++;           // OK: a declared directly in A, S is {A::a}
  B::a++;           // OK: both A and B searched (once), S is {A::a}
  A::b++;           // OK: both A and B searched (once), S is {B::b}
  B::b++;           // OK: b declared directly in B, S is {B::b}

 — end example ]

During the lookup of a qualified namespace member name, if the lookup finds more than one declaration of the member, and if one declaration introduces a class name or enumeration name and the other declarations either introduce the same variable, the same enumerator or a set of functions, the non-type name hides the class or enumeration name if and only if the declarations are from the same namespace; otherwise (the declarations are from different namespaces), the program is ill-formed. [ Example:

namespace A {
  struct x { };
  int x;
  int y;

namespace B {
  struct y { };

namespace C {
  using namespace A;
  using namespace B;
  int i = C::x;     // OK, A::x (of type int )
  int j = C::y;     // ambiguous, A::y or B::y

 — end example ]

In a declaration for a namespace member in which the declarator-id is a qualified-id, given that the qualified-id for the namespace member has the form

nested-name-specifier unqualified-id

the unqualified-id shall name a member of the namespace designated by the nested-name-specifier or of an element of the inline namespace set ([namespace.def]) of that namespace. [ Example:

namespace A {
  namespace B {
    void f1(int);
  using namespace B;
void A::f1(int){ }  // ill-formed, f1 is not a member of A

 — end example ] However, in such namespace member declarations, the nested-name-specifier may rely on using-directives to implicitly provide the initial part of the nested-name-specifier. [ Example:

namespace A {
  namespace B {
    void f1(int);

namespace C {
  namespace D {
    void f1(int);

using namespace A;
using namespace C::D;
void B::f1(int){ }  // OK, defines A::B::f1(int)

 — end example ]