27 Input/output library [input.output]

27.5 Iostreams base classes [iostreams.base]

27.5.6 ios_base manipulators [std.ios.manip] Error reporting [error.reporting]

error_code make_error_code(io_errc e) noexcept;

Returns: error_code(static_cast<int>(e), iostream_category()).

error_condition make_error_condition(io_errc e) noexcept;

Returns: error_condition(static_cast<int>(e), iostream_category()).

const error_category& iostream_category() noexcept;

Returns: A reference to an object of a type derived from class error_category.

The object's default_error_condition and equivalent virtual functions shall behave as specified for the class error_category. The object's name virtual function shall return a pointer to the string "iostream".