Annex C (informative) Compatibility [diff]

C.2 C++ and ISO C++ 2003 [diff.cpp03]

C.2.1 Clause [lex]: lexical conventions [diff.cpp03.lex]

Change: New kinds of string literals
Rationale: Required for new features.
Effect on original feature: Valid C++ 2003 code may fail to compile or produce different results in this International Standard. Specifically, macros named R, u8, u8R, u, uR, U, UR, or LR will not be expanded when adjacent to a string literal but will be interpreted as part of the string literal. For example,

#define u8 "abc"
const char* s = u8"def";        // Previously "abcdef", now "def"

Change: User-defined literal string support
Rationale: Required for new features.
Effect on original feature: Valid C++ 2003 code may fail to compile or produce different results in this International Standard, as the following example illustrates.

#define _x "there"
"hello"_x         // #1

Previously, #1 would have consisted of two separate preprocessing tokens and the macro _x would have been expanded. In this International Standard, #1 consists of a single preprocessing tokens, so the macro is not expanded.

Change: New keywords
Rationale: Required for new features.
Effect on original feature: Added to Table [tab:keywords], the following identifiers are new keywords: alignas, alignof, char16_t, char32_t, constexpr, decltype, noexcept, nullptr, static_assert, and thread_local. Valid C++ 2003 code using these identifiers is invalid in this International Standard.

Change: Type of integer literals
Rationale: C99 compatibility.
Effect on original feature: Certain integer literals larger than can be represented by long could change from an unsigned integer type to signed long long.