Annex D (normative) Compatibility features [depr]

D.7 char* streams [depr.str.strstreams]

D.7.3 Class ostrstream [depr.ostrstream]

namespace std {
  class ostrstream : public basic_ostream<char> {
    ostrstream(char* s, int n, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);
    virtual ~ostrstream();

    strstreambuf* rdbuf() const;
    void freeze(bool freezefl = true);
    char* str();
    int pcount() const;
    strstreambuf sb;  // exposition only

The class ostrstream supports the writing of objects of class strstreambuf. It supplies a strstreambuf object to control the associated array object. For the sake of exposition, the maintained data is presented here as:

  • sb, the strstreambuf object.

D.7.3.1 ostrstream constructors [depr.ostrstream.cons]


Effects: Constructs an object of class ostrstream, initializing the base class with ostream(&sb) and initializing sb with strstreambuf()).

ostrstream(char* s, int n, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);

Effects: Constructs an object of class ostrstream, initializing the base class with ostream(&sb), and initializing sb with one of two constructors:

  • If (mode & app) == 0, then s shall designate the first element of an array of n elements.

    The constructor is strstreambuf(s, n, s).

  • If (mode & app) != 0, then s shall designate the first element of an array of n elements that contains an ntbs whose first element is designated by s. The constructor is strstreambuf(s, n, s + std::strlen(s)).340

The function signature strlen(const char*) is declared in <cstring> ([c.strings]).

D.7.3.2 Member functions [depr.ostrstream.members]

strstreambuf* rdbuf() const;

Returns: (strstreambuf*)&sb .

void freeze(bool freezefl = true);

Effects: Calls rdbuf()->freeze(freezefl).

char* str();

Returns: rdbuf()->str().

int pcount() const;

Returns: rdbuf()->pcount().