18 Language support library [language.support]

18.6 Dynamic memory management [support.dynamic]

18.6.2 Storage allocation errors [alloc.errors] Class bad_alloc [bad.alloc]

namespace std {
  class bad_alloc : public exception {
    bad_alloc() noexcept;
    bad_alloc(const bad_alloc&) noexcept;
    bad_alloc& operator=(const bad_alloc&) noexcept;
    virtual const char* what() const noexcept;

The class bad_alloc defines the type of objects thrown as exceptions by the implementation to report a failure to allocate storage.

bad_alloc() noexcept;

Effects: Constructs an object of class bad_alloc.

Remarks: The result of calling what() on the newly constructed object is implementation-defined.

bad_alloc(const bad_alloc&) noexcept; bad_alloc& operator=(const bad_alloc&) noexcept;

Effects: Copies an object of class bad_alloc.

virtual const char* what() const noexcept;

Returns: An implementation-defined ntbs.