20 General utilities library [utilities]

20.1 General [utilities.general]

This Clause describes utilities that are generally useful in C++ programs; some of these utilities are used by other elements of the C++ standard library. These utilities are summarized in Table [tab:util.lib.summary].

Table 44 — General utilities library summary
Subclause Header(s)
[utility] Utility components <utility>
[pairs] Pairs <utility>
[tuple] Tuples <tuple>
[template.bitset] Fixed-size sequences of bits <bitset>
[memory] Memory <cstdlib>
[smartptr] Smart pointers <memory>
[function.objects] Function objects <functional>
[meta] Type traits <type_traits>
[ratio] Compile-time rational arithmetic <ratio>
[time] Time utilities <chrono>
[allocator.adaptor] Scoped allocators <scoped_allocator>
[type.index] Type indexes <typeindex>