26 Numerics library [numerics]

26.5 Random number generation [rand]

26.5.4 Random number engine adaptor class templates [rand.adapt] Class template independent_bits_engine [rand.adapt.ibits]

An independent_bits_engine random number engine adaptor combines random numbers that are produced by some base engine e, so as to produce random numbers with a specified number of bits w. The state xi of an independent_bits_engine engine adaptor object x consists of the state ei of its base engine e; the size of the state is the size of e's state.

The transition and generation algorithms are described in terms of the following integral constants:

  1. Let R = e.max() - e.min() + 1 and m = log2 R .

  2. With n as determined below, let w0 = w / n , n0 = n - w mod n , y0 = 2w0 R / 2w0 , and y1 = 2w0 + 1 R / 2w0 + 1 .

  3. Let n = w / m if and only if the relation R - y0y0 / n holds as a result. Otherwise let n = 1 + w / m .

Note: The relation w = n0 w0 + (n - n0)(w0 + 1) always holds.  — end note ]

The transition algorithm is carried out by invoking e() as often as needed to obtain n0 values less than y0 + e.min() and n - n0 values less than y1 + e.min() .

The generation algorithm uses the values produced while advancing the state as described above to yield a quantity S obtained as if by the following algorithm:

S = 0;
for (k = 0; kn0; k += 1)  {
 do u = e() - e.min(); while ( uy0 );
 S =  2w0 · S + u mod 2w0 ;
for (k = n0; kn; k += 1)  {
 do u = e() - e.min(); while ( uy1 );
 S =  2w0 + 1 · S + u mod 2w0 + 1 ;
template<class Engine, size_t w, class UIntType>
class independent_bits_engine{
 // types
 typedef UIntType result_type;

 // engine characteristics
 static constexpr result_type min() { return 0; }
 static constexpr result_type max() { return 2w - 1; }

 // constructors and seeding functions
 explicit independent_bits_engine(const Engine& e);
 explicit independent_bits_engine(Engine&& e);
 explicit independent_bits_engine(result_type s);
 template<class Sseq> explicit independent_bits_engine(Sseq& q);
 void seed();
 void seed(result_type s);
 template<class Sseq> void seed(Sseq& q);

 // generating functions
 result_type operator()();
 void discard(unsigned long long z);

 // property functions
 const Engine& base() const noexcept { return e; };

 Engine e;   // exposition only

The following relations shall hold: 0 < w and w <= numeric_limits<result_type>::digits.

The textual representation consists of the textual representation of e.