7 Declarations [dcl.dcl]

7.6 Attributes [dcl.attr]

7.6.1 Attribute syntax and semantics [dcl.attr.grammar]

Note: For each individual attribute, the form of the balanced-token-seq will be specified.  — end note ]

In an attribute-list, an ellipsis may appear only if that attribute's specification permits it. An attribute followed by an ellipsis is a pack expansion ([temp.variadic]). An attribute-specifier that contains no attributes has no effect. The order in which the attribute-tokens appear in an attribute-list is not significant. If a keyword ([lex.key]) or an alternative token ([lex.digraph]) that satisfies the syntactic requirements of an identifier ([lex.name]) is contained in an attribute-token, it is considered an identifier. No name lookup ([basic.lookup]) is performed on any of the identifiers contained in an attribute-token. The attribute-token determines additional requirements on the attribute-argument-clause (if any). The use of an attribute-scoped-token is conditionally-supported, with implementation-defined behavior. [ Note: Each implementation should choose a distinctive name for the attribute-namespace in an attribute-scoped-token.  — end note ]

Each attribute-specifier-seq is said to appertain to some entity or statement, identified by the syntactic context where it appears (Clause [stmt.stmt], Clause [dcl.dcl], Clause [dcl.decl]). If an attribute-specifier-seq that appertains to some entity or statement contains an attribute that is not allowed to apply to that entity or statement, the program is ill-formed. If an attribute-specifier-seq appertains to a friend declaration ([class.friend]), that declaration shall be a definition. No attribute-specifier-seq shall appertain to an explicit instantiation ([temp.explicit]).

For an attribute-token not specified in this International Standard, the behavior is implementation-defined.

Two consecutive left square bracket tokens shall appear only when introducing an attribute-specifier. [ Note: If two consecutive left square brackets appear where an attribute-specifier is not allowed, the program is ill formed even if the brackets match an alternative grammar production.  — end note ] [ Example:

int p[10];
void f() {
  int x = 42, y[5];
  int(p[[x] { return x; }()]);  // error: malformed attribute on a nested
                                // declarator-id and not a function-style cast of
                                // an element of p.
  y[[] { return 2; }()] = 2;    // error even though attributes are not allowed
                                // in this context.

 — end example ]

7.6.2 Alignment specifier [dcl.align]

An alignment-specifier may be applied to a variable or to a class data member, but it shall not be applied to a bit-field, a function parameter, the formal parameter of a catch clause ([except.handle]), or a variable declared with the register storage class specifier. An alignment-specifier may also be applied to the declaration of a class or enumeration type. An alignment-specifier with an ellipsis is a pack expansion ([temp.variadic]).

When the alignment-specifier is of the form alignas( assignment-expression ):

  • the assignment-expression shall be an integral constant expression

  • if the constant expression evaluates to a fundamental alignment, the alignment requirement of the declared entity shall be the specified fundamental alignment

  • if the constant expression evaluates to an extended alignment and the implementation supports that alignment in the context of the declaration, the alignment of the declared entity shall be that alignment

  • if the constant expression evaluates to an extended alignment and the implementation does not support that alignment in the context of the declaration, the program is ill-formed

  • if the constant expression evaluates to zero, the alignment specifier shall have no effect

  • otherwise, the program is ill-formed.

When the alignment-specifier is of the form alignas( type-id ), it shall have the same effect as alignas(alignof(type-id)) ([expr.alignof]).

When multiple alignment-specifiers are specified for an entity, the alignment requirement shall be set to the strictest specified alignment.

The combined effect of all alignment-specifiers in a declaration shall not specify an alignment that is less strict than the alignment that would be required for the entity being declared if all alignment-specifiers were omitted (including those in other declarations).

If the defining declaration of an entity has an alignment-specifier, any non-defining declaration of that entity shall either specify equivalent alignment or have no alignment-specifier. Conversely, if any declaration of an entity has an alignment-specifier, every defining declaration of that entity shall specify an equivalent alignment. No diagnostic is required if declarations of an entity have different alignment-specifiers in different translation units.


// Translation unit #1:
struct S { int x; } s, p = &s;

// Translation unit #2:
struct alignas(16) S;           // error: definition of S lacks alignment; no
extern S* p;                    // diagnostic required

 — end example ]

Example: An aligned buffer with an alignment requirement of A and holding N elements of type T other than char, signed char, or unsigned char can be declared as:

alignas(T) alignas(A) T buffer[N];

Specifying alignas(T) ensures that the final requested alignment will not be weaker than alignof(T), and therefore the program will not be ill-formed.  — end example ]


alignas(double) void f();                         // error: alignment applied to function
alignas(double) unsigned char c[sizeof(double)];  // array of characters, suitably aligned for a double
extern unsigned char c[sizeof(double)];           // no alignas necessary
  extern unsigned char c[sizeof(double)];         // error: different alignment in declaration

 — end example ]

7.6.3 Noreturn attribute [dcl.attr.noreturn]

The attribute-token noreturn specifies that a function does not return. It shall appear at most once in each attribute-list and no attribute-argument-clause shall be present. The attribute may be applied to the declarator-id in a function declaration. The first declaration of a function shall specify the noreturn attribute if any declaration of that function specifies the noreturn attribute. If a function is declared with the noreturn attribute in one translation unit and the same function is declared without the noreturn attribute in another translation unit, the program is ill-formed; no diagnostic required.

If a function f is called where f was previously declared with the noreturn attribute and f eventually returns, the behavior is undefined. [ Note: The function may terminate by throwing an exception.  — end note ] [ Note: Implementations are encouraged to issue a warning if a function marked [[noreturn]] might return.  — end note ]


[[ noreturn ]] void f() {
  throw "error";        // OK

[[ noreturn ]] void q(int i) { // behavior is undefined if called with an argument <= 0
  if (i > 0)
    throw "positive";

 — end example ]

7.6.4 Carries dependency attribute [dcl.attr.depend]

The attribute-token carries_dependency specifies dependency propagation into and out of functions. It shall appear at most once in each attribute-list and no attribute-argument-clause shall be present. The attribute may be applied to the declarator-id of a parameter-declaration in a function declaration or lambda, in which case it specifies that the initialization of the parameter carries a dependency to ([intro.multithread]) each lvalue-to-rvalue conversion ([conv.lval]) of that object. The attribute may also be applied to the declarator-id of a function declaration, in which case it specifies that the return value, if any, carries a dependency to the evaluation of the function call expression.

The first declaration of a function shall specify the carries_dependency attribute for its declarator-id if any declaration of the function specifies the carries_dependency attribute. Furthermore, the first declaration of a function shall specify the carries_dependency attribute for a parameter if any declaration of that function specifies the carries_dependency attribute for that parameter. If a function or one of its parameters is declared with the carries_dependency attribute in its first declaration in one translation unit and the same function or one of its parameters is declared without the carries_dependency attribute in its first declaration in another translation unit, the program is ill-formed; no diagnostic required.

Note: The carries_dependency attribute does not change the meaning of the program, but may result in generation of more efficient code.  — end note ]


/* Translation unit A. */

struct foo { int* a; int* b; };
std::atomic<struct foo *> foo_head[10];
int foo_array[10][10];

[[carries_dependency]] struct foo* f(int i) {
  return foo_head[i].load(memory_order_consume);

[[carries_dependency]] int g(int* x, int* y) {
  return kill_dependency(foo_array[*x][*y]);

/* Translation unit B. */

[[carries_dependency]] struct foo* f(int i);
[[carries_dependency]] int* g(int* x, int* y);

int c = 3;

void h(int i) {
  struct foo* p;

  p = f(i);
  do_something_with(g(&c, p->a));
  do_something_with(g(p->a, &c));

The carries_dependency attribute on function f means that the return value carries a dependency out of f, so that the implementation need not constrain ordering upon return from f. Implementations of f and its caller may choose to preserve dependencies instead of emitting hardware memory ordering instructions (a.k.a. fences).

Function g's second argument has a carries_dependency attribute, but its first argument does not. Therefore, function h's first call to g carries a dependency into g, but its second call does not. The implementation might need to insert a fence prior to the second call to g.

 — end example ]