28 Numerics library [numerics]

28.9 Basic linear algebra algorithms [linalg]

28.9.15 BLAS 3 algorithms [linalg.algs.blas3] Solve multiple triangular linear systems in-place [linalg.algs.blas3.inplacetrsm]

[Note 1: 
These functions correspond to the BLAS function xTRSM[bib].
— end note]
template<in-matrix InMat, class Triangle, class DiagonalStorage, inout-matrix InOutMat, class BinaryDivideOp> void triangular_matrix_matrix_left_solve(InMat A, Triangle t, DiagonalStorage d, InOutMat B, BinaryDivideOp divide); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-matrix InMat, class Triangle, class DiagonalStorage, inout-matrix InOutMat, class BinaryDivideOp> void triangular_matrix_matrix_left_solve(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InMat A, Triangle t, DiagonalStorage d, InOutMat B, BinaryDivideOp divide);
These functions perform multiple in-place matrix solves, taking into account the Triangle and DiagonalStorage parameters that apply to the triangular matrix A ([linalg.general]).
[Note 2: 
This algorithm makes it possible to compute factorizations like Cholesky and LU in place.
Performing triangular solve in place hinders parallelization.
However, other ExecutionPolicy specific optimizations, such as vectorization, are still possible.
— end note]
  • If InMat has layout_blas_packed layout, then the layout's Triangle template argument has the same type as the function's Triangle template argument;
  • possibly-multipliable<InMat, InOutMat, InOutMat>() is true; and
  • compatible-static-extents<InMat, InMat>(0, 1) is true.
  • multipliable(A, B, B) is true, and
  • A.extent(0) == A.extent(1) is true.
Effects: Computes such that , and assigns each element of to the corresponding element of B.
If so such exists, then the elements of B are valid but unspecified.
Complexity: .
template<in-matrix InMat, class Triangle, class DiagonalStorage, inout-matrix InOutMat> void triangular_matrix_matrix_left_solve(InMat A, Triangle t, DiagonalStorage d, InOutMat B);
Effects: Equivalent to: triangular_matrix_matrix_left_solve(A, t, d, B, divides<void>{});
template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-matrix InMat, class Triangle, class DiagonalStorage, inout-matrix InOutMat> void triangular_matrix_matrix_left_solve(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InMat A, Triangle t, DiagonalStorage d, InOutMat B);
Effects: Equivalent to: triangular_matrix_matrix_left_solve(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), A, t, d, B, divides<void>{});
template<in-matrix InMat, class Triangle, class DiagonalStorage, inout-matrix InOutMat, class BinaryDivideOp> void triangular_matrix_matrix_right_solve(InMat A, Triangle t, DiagonalStorage d, InOutMat B, BinaryDivideOp divide); template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-matrix InMat, class Triangle, class DiagonalStorage, inout-matrix InOutMat, class BinaryDivideOp> void triangular_matrix_matrix_right_solve(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InMat A, Triangle t, DiagonalStorage d, InOutMat B, BinaryDivideOp divide);
These functions perform multiple in-place matrix solves, taking into account the Triangle and DiagonalStorage parameters that apply to the triangular matrix A ([linalg.general]).
[Note 3: 
This algorithm makes it possible to compute factorizations like Cholesky and LU in place.
Performing triangular solve in place hinders parallelization.
However, other ExecutionPolicy specific optimizations, such as vectorization, are still possible.
— end note]
  • If InMat has layout_blas_packed layout, then the layout's Triangle template argument has the same type as the function's Triangle template argument;
  • possibly-multipliable<InOutMat, InMat, InOutMat>() is true; and
  • compatible-static-extents<InMat, InMat>(0, 1) is true.
  • multipliable(B, A, B) is true, and
  • A.extent(0) == A.extent(1) is true.
Effects: Computes such that , and assigns each element of to the corresponding element of B.
If so such exists, then the elements of B are valid but unspecified.
Complexity: .
template<in-matrix InMat, class Triangle, class DiagonalStorage, inout-matrix InOutMat> void triangular_matrix_matrix_right_solve(InMat A, Triangle t, DiagonalStorage d, InOutMat B);
Effects: Equivalent to: triangular_matrix_matrix_right_solve(A, t, d, B, divides<void>{});
template<class ExecutionPolicy, in-matrix InMat, class Triangle, class DiagonalStorage, inout-matrix InOutMat> void triangular_matrix_matrix_right_solve(ExecutionPolicy&& exec, InMat A, Triangle t, DiagonalStorage d, InOutMat B);
Effects: Equivalent to: triangular_matrix_matrix_right_solve(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(exec), A, t, d, B, divides<void>{});