31 Input/output library [input.output]

31.5 Iostreams base classes [iostreams.base]

31.5.2 Class ios_base [ios.base] Storage functions [ios.base.storage]

static int xalloc();
Returns: index ++.
Remarks: Concurrent access to this function by multiple threads does not result in a data race.
long& iword(int idx);
Preconditions: idx is a value obtained by a call to xalloc.
Effects: If iarray is a null pointer, allocates an array of long of unspecified size and stores a pointer to its first element in iarray.
The function then extends the array pointed at by iarray as necessary to include the element iarray[idx].
Each newly allocated element of the array is initialized to zero.
The reference returned is invalid after any other operation on the object.261
However, the value of the storage referred to is retained, so that until the next call to copyfmt, calling iword with the same index yields another reference to the same value.
If the function fails262 and *this is a base class subobject of a basic_ios<> object or subobject, the effect is equivalent to calling basic_ios<>​::​setstate(badbit) on the derived object (which may throw failure).
Returns: On success iarray[idx].
On failure, a valid long& initialized to 0.
void*& pword(int idx);
Preconditions: idx is a value obtained by a call to xalloc.
Effects: If parray is a null pointer, allocates an array of pointers to void of unspecified size and stores a pointer to its first element in parray.
The function then extends the array pointed at by parray as necessary to include the element parray[idx].
Each newly allocated element of the array is initialized to a null pointer.
The reference returned is invalid after any other operation on the object.
However, the value of the storage referred to is retained, so that until the next call to copyfmt, calling pword with the same index yields another reference to the same value.
If the function fails263 and *this is a base class subobject of a basic_ios<> object or subobject, the effect is equivalent to calling basic_ios<>​::​setstate(badbit) on the derived object (which may throw failure).
Returns: On success parray[idx].
On failure a valid void*& initialized to 0.
Remarks: After a subsequent call to pword(int) for the same object, the earlier return value may no longer be valid.
An implementation is free to implement both the integer array pointed at by iarray and the pointer array pointed at by parray as sparse data structures, possibly with a one-element cache for each.
For example, because it cannot allocate space.
For example, because it cannot allocate space.