28 Text processing library [text]

28.3 Localization library [localization]

28.3.4 Standard locale categories [locale.categories] The numeric punctuation facet [facet.numpunct] Class template numpunct [locale.numpunct] Virtual functions [facet.numpunct.virtuals]

char_type do_decimal_point() const;
Returns: A character for use as the decimal radix separator.
The required specializations return '.' or L'.'.
char_type do_thousands_sep() const;
Returns: A character for use as the digit group separator.
The required specializations return ',' or L','.
string do_grouping() const;
Returns: A string vec used as a vector of integer values, in which each element vec[i] represents the number of digits226 in the group at position i, starting with position 0 as the rightmost group.
If vec.size() <= i, the number is the same as group (i - 1); if (i < 0 || vec[i] <= 0 || vec[i] == CHAR_MAX), the size of the digit group is unlimited.
The required specializations return the empty string, indicating no grouping.
string_type do_truename() const; string_type do_falsename() const;
Returns: A string representing the name of the boolean value true or false, respectively.
In the base class implementation these names are "true" and "false", or L"true" and L"false".
Thus, the string "\003" specifies groups of 3 digits each, and "3" probably indicates groups of 51 (!) digits each, because 51 is the ASCII value of "3".